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January 8, 2009
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Senate Bills - 109th Congress

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S. 174—The Children’s Compassionate Care Act of 2005

On January 26, 2005, Senator Mike DeWine (R-OH) introduced S. 174, the Children’s Compassionate Care Act of 2005, to improve the palliative and end-of-life care provided to children with life-threatening illnesses. The bill would require the Director of NIH to provide translational research grants to fund research in pediatric pain and symptom management. These grants would be made using existing networks, including the pediatric pharmacological research units and the general clinical research centers (GCRC’s). The bill also specifies the types of entities that would be eligible for such grants, including children’s hospitals, hospices serving children, and pediatric departments of medical schools. S. 174 was referred to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP).

Legislative Update (December 2006): Children’s Health



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