Summary of Suspended-Solids Concentration Data, San Francisco Bay California, Water Year 1997

By Paul A. Buchanan, and David Shoellhamer


Open-File Report 99-189
Sacramento, California 1999

Prepared in cooperation with the

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Purpose and Scope
Study Area
Instrument Description and Operation
Water-Sample Collection
Data Processing
Sensor Calibration and Suspended-Solids Concentration Data
Suisun Bay
Central San Francisco Bay
South San Francisco Bay


1.Map showing San Francisco Bay study area, California
2-40. Graphs showing:
2. Raw and edited optical backscatterance data, mid-depth sensor, Point San Pablo, Central San Francsisco Bay, water year 1994
3. Calibration of the near-surface optical backscatterance sensor at Mallard Island, Suisun Bay, March 26-June 2, water year 1997
4. Calibration of near-surface optical backscatterance sensor (with wiper) at Mallard Island, Suisun Bay, October 1-January 2, February 25-March 16, and June 2-September 30, water year 1997
5. Calibration of near-bottom optical backscatterance sensor (with wiper) at Mallard Island, Suisun Bay, October 1-January 2, and February 25-September 30, water year 1997
6. Calibration of near-surface optical backscatterance sensor (with wiper) during flood at Mallard Island, Suisun Bay, January 3-February 5, water year 1997
7. Calibration of near-bottom optical backscatterance sensor (with wiper) during flood at Mallard Island, Suisun Bay, January 3-February 5, water year 1997
8. Time series of near-surface suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Mallard Island, Suisun Bay, water year 1997
9. Time series of near-bottom suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Mallard Island, Suisun Bay, water year 1997
10. Calibration of near-surface optical backscatterance sensor at Benicia Bridge, Suisun Bay, water year 1997
11. Calibration of near-bottom optical backscatterance sensor at Benicia Bridge, Suisun Bay, October 1-March 4, water year 1997
12. Calibration of near-bottom optical backscatterance sensor at Benicia Bridge, Suisun Bay, March 5-September 30, water year 1997
13. Time series of near-surface suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Benicia Bridge, Suisun Bay, water year 1997
14. Time series of near-bottom suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Benicia Bridge, Suisun Bay, water year 1997
15. Calibration of mid-depth optical backscatterance sensor at Point San Pablo, Central San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
16. Calibration of near-bottom optical backscatterance sensor at Point San Pablo, Central San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
17. Time series of mid-depth suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Point San Pablo, Central San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
18. Time series of near-bottom suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Point San Pablo, Central San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
19. Calibration of mid-depth optical backscatterance sensor at Pier 24, Central San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
20. Calibration of near-bottom optical backscatterance sensor at Pier 24, Central San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
21. Time series of mid-depth suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Pier 24, Central San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
22. Time series of near-bottom suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Pier 24, Central San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
23. Calibration of mid-depth optical backscatterance sensor at Golden Gate Bridge, Central San Francisco Bay, October 1-March 4, water year 1997
24. Calibration of mid-depth optical backscatterance sensor at Golden Gate Bridge, Central San Francisco Bay, March 14-September 30, water year 1997
25. Time series of mid-depth suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Golden Gate Bridge, Central San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
26. Calibration of mid-depth optical backscatterance sensor at Channel Marker 17, South San Francisco Bay, October 1-January 10, water year 1997
28. Calibration of near-bottom optical backscatterance sensor at Channel Marker 17, South San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
29. Time series of mid-depth suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Channel Marker 17, South San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
30. Time series of near-bottom suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Channel Marker 17, South San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
31. Calibration of mid-depth optical backscatterance sensor at Dumbarton Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
32. Calibration of near-bottom optical backscatterance sensor at Dumbarton Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, October 1-August 13, water year 1997
33. Calibration of near-bottom optical backscatterance sensor at Dumbarton Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, August 14-September 30, water year 1997
34. Time series of mid-depth suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Dumbarton Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
35. Time series of near-bottom suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at Dumbarton Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
36. Calibration of mid-depth optical backscatterance sensor at San Mateo Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, October 1-March 12, water year 1997
37. Calibration of mid-depth optical backscatterance sensor at San Mateo Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, March 13-September 30, water year 1997
38. Calibration of near-bottom optical backscatterance sensor at San Mateo Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
39. Time series of mid-depth suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at San Mateo Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, water year 1997
40. Time series of near-bottom suspended-solids concentration calculated from sensor readings at San Mateo Bridge, South San Francisco Bay, water year 1997


1.Statistical summary of suspended-solids concentration data, Suisun Bay and Central and South San Francisco Bays, water year 1997
2.Percentage of valid data collected by optical backscatterance sensors, Suisun Bay and Central and South San Francisco Bays, water year 1997


Multiply By To obtain
inch (in.) 25.40 milliter foot (ft) .3048 meter foot per second (ft/s) .3048 meter per second mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer pound (lb) .4536 kilogram

Temperature is given in degrees Celsius (°C), which can be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) by the following equation:

F = (1.8 x °C) + 32.

Vertical Datum

Sea level: In this report, "sea level" refers to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD of 1929)--a geodetic datum derived from a general adjustment of the first-order level nets of both the United States and Canada, formerly called Sea Level Datum of 1929.

Mean lower low water (MLLW): The average of the lower low water height of each tidal day observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. The National Tidal Datum Epoch is the specific 19-year period (1960-1978 for values given in this report) adopted by the National Ocean Service as the official time segment over which tide observations are taken and reduced to obtain mean values.

    Ah ampere hour µm micrometer mg/L milligrams per liter mV millivolt V volt
    AC alternating current ADAPS automated data-processing system DC direct current DWR California Department of Water Resources NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units PVC polyvinyl chloride USGS U.S. Geological Survey

For additional information          Copies of this report can be 
write to:                           purcahsed from:

District Chief                      U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Geological Survey              Information Service
Placer Hall, Suite 2012             Box 25286
6000 J Street                       Federal Center
Sacramento, CA 95819                Denver, CO 80225

Water Resources of California
Last Modified: Thurs July 8, 1999