Argonne National Laboratory Office of Technology Transfer U.S. Department of Energy
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R&D Partnerships Map

These stories highlight some of the ways Argonne has worked with industrial companies to improve processes, create products and markets, and realize other benefits that can lead to a more robust economic future.

New Partnerships

Quallion LLC. — Scientists in Argonne's Chemical Engineering Division, in partnership with Quallion LLC and collaboration with the University of Wisconsin have developed a tiny rechargeable battery for implantable medical device applications.

Successful Partnerships

Aquatic Research Institute — Technical assistance leads to economical method for brownfield restoration

Baxter Healthcare Corporation —. Argonne, Baxter to teach old laser new tricks

Caterpillar Inc. — New facility takes aim at diesel smoke

DaimlerChrysler — DaimlerChrysler plant adopts weld monitor developed by Argonne-industry partnership

Intermagnetics General Corp. — Argonne and Intermagnetics sign $1.8 million agreement

Kontes Glass Company — Innovative extractor now available commercially

McDonald's Corporation — Heat transfer research leads to new fry basket

Museum of Science and Industry — Argonne Software Aids Learning at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industr.

National Center for Manufacturing Sciences — New technique could fill need for leak test technology in many different applications

Vertec BioSolvents — Low-cost environmentally friendly solvents made with ethyl lactate

Optodyne, Inc. -- Laser Doppler Linear Actuator (LDLA) increases energy resolution of commercial monochromator

Salyp Recycling Center — Licensing agreement will reduce auto shredder waste in Europ.

SmartSignal, Inc. — Early warning system alerts plant personnel of possible problems at earliest possible time

SourceTech Medical — Argonne's collaboration on radioactive"seeds" helps start-up medical company grow

Süd-Chemie — Argonne, Süd-Chemie sign agreement to accelerate fuel cell development

Superior Graphite —Collaboration moves Chicago company closer to commercialization

Wire Development Group —Government/Industry/University collaborators to receive 2000 Collaboration Award

Applied Geomechanics — Argonne's insight leads to new market for instrument maker

Applied Research Associates —Demonstration confirms market-readiness for small business

Asset Environmental Services — Small business teams with Argonne for urban revitalization effort

Blake Industries — New configuration leads to popular new instrument

Caterpillar Inc. — Casting simulation software cuts energy use and waste generation in half

Clover Club Bottling Company — Technical assistance helps avoid production shutdown

ConSolve -- Small business marketing Argonne environmental software

Energy Concepts — CRADA partner sets world record for heat pump performance

GTS Duratek — Small business to set up commercial-scale melter

Intermagnetics General Corporation — Record-setting joint research spurs growth of superconductor market for Argonne partner

Ionwerks Corporation — CRADA gives small business a new market

Magneco-Metrel — Castable ceramic allows small business to add jobs, increase sales

Nanophase Technologies Corp. — Affordable nanocrystalline materials find worldwide applications in industry

Packer Engineering — Simulation work with small business leads to 250 jobs in Illinois

Phase Metrics — Award-winning imaging system aids development of practical superconductors

Science and Engineering Associates — Spinoff of award-winning technology facilitated by lab efforts

South Bay Technology — Technical assistance helps put new microscope cleaning system on the market

Southern California Gas Co. — Utility cuts operating costs dramatically through work with Argonne

Superconductive Components — Small business globally marketing HTS levitators — "leftovers" go into demo kits into commercial production

Superconductive Components, Inc. — Unlocking the Potential of High-Temperature Superconductors.

3M Company — Award-winning membranes can now be used for field analysis

Waste-Tech — Small business garners $1.5 million contract thanks to Argonne's help

Working with Argonne

Argonne has many types of contractual agreements to meet the needs and interests of industry, state and local governments, federal agencies and other organizations.

For More Information

For more information, contact Argonne's Office of Technology Transfer (800-627-2596,

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