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DOE Idaho Operations Office Manager Elizabeth Sellers leaving Department

Elizabeth Sellers, manager of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Idaho Operations Office, announced today that she will retire from United States government service in February.

Elizabeth Sellers, manager of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Idaho Operations Office

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in Idaho, and my 26 years serving the United States Department of Energy,” said Sellers, who has served the DOE since 1983. “The energy and national security missions underway at the department’s Idaho National Laboratory site are critical to the future of our country. I’m sure the high-quality work performed at the INL will remain a high priority within the new Administration.”

Sellers has managed DOE’s Idaho Operations Office since April of 2003 – overseeing the work of about 300 federal and 6,500 contractor employees at the Idaho National Laboratory, the Idaho Cleanup Project and the Advanced Mixed Treatment Project.

The Idaho National Laboratory is a multi-program lab involved in energy research, national and homeland security, and basic science research and development.

During her time at the Idaho Operations Office, Sellers oversaw the combination of the former Idaho National Environmental and Engineering Laboratory with the Argonne National Laboratory-West, to form the new Idaho National Laboratory. She also oversaw procurement of new contractors to manage the laboratory, the cleanup contract and the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project. She successfully guided the Idaho Operations Office into IS0 9001 certification, and was one of 23 senior federal executives nationwide in 2007 awarded Meritorious Presidential Rank for exemplary federal service.

DOE plans to announce an interim manager of its Idaho Operations Office before Sellers retires on Feb. 3.


Editorial Date January 06, 2009
By Tim Jackson



DOE-ID Press Releases and Video Clips

U.S. Department of Energy Idaho Operations Office
1955 Fremont Ave.
Idaho Falls, ID 83415

Draft Environmental Assessment on the Remote-handled Waste Disposition Project available for public review and comment
DOE Seal The U.S. Department of Energy invites the public to review and comment on a draft environmental assessment that the Department issued today, for a proposal to process approximately 327 cubic meters of remote-handled waste currently stored at the Idaho National Laboratory.
DOE Seal The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has formally docketed the Department of Energy’s license application for the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nev. The agency staff has also recommended that the Commission adopt, with further supplementation, DOE’s Environmental Impact Statement for the repository project.
DOE Seal IDAHO FALLS – The State of Idaho and the federal government today announced their agreement to a cleanup plan for buried waste at the Idaho National Laboratory that provides for the long-term protection of the Snake River Plain Aquifer.
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