Hertz Foundation
Graduate Fellowships
Hertz Foundation
The Hertz Foundation's mission is to build America's capacity for innovation by nurturing remarkable applied scientists and engineers who show the most promise to change the world.

Our nation and the world urgently need the talents of applied scientists and engineers to drive innovation, enhance competitiveness and help solve critical problems we face.

The Hertz Foundation identifies the rare young scientists and engineers with the potential to change the world for the better and supports their research endeavors from an early stage.

The Foundation empowers these outstanding young people with the freedom to innovate in collaboration with leading professors in the field.
Hertz Symposium
2009 Hertz Symposium: March 20-22
2009 Hertz Symposium: March 20-22
Catalyzing the Future, the Hertz Foundation's 3rd biennial symposium, will be held in Santa Clara, CA. Hear passionate discussions and lectures regarding our nation's and the world's most critical issues and problems.
More Information

Hertz Foundation Winter Newsletter 2008
Hertz Foundation Winter Newsletter 2008
In this issue: David J. Galas, new Chairman and new Board members M. Ansour, W. Cieslak, S. Fantone, M. Farmwald, and J. Isham; 1918 flu study, E. Altschuler; one of "20 Best Brains under 40" E. Boyden; top graduate student inventor, P. Podsiadlo.
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Endowed Fellowships - Leave a Lasting Legacy
Endowed Fellowships - Leave a Lasting Legacy
The Hertz Foundation established an endowed Fellowship program that closely links a Hertz Fellow with the donor. These endowed Fellowships can be named for a donor or someone the donor wishes to honor.

"None of this work would have been possible without the support of the Hertz Foundation."

Christopher Loose, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Hertz Fellow 2007
Hertz Foundation



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