Parks Historic Structures & Cultural Landscapes Program Title bar with National Park Service arrowheadnational park service arrowhead link

Historic Structures Program image with Greek Revival Philadelphia Structures

About the Program

Park Historic Structures

Park Cultural Landscapes

The Park Historic Structures Program is responsible for all service-wide activities related to the protection and preservation of historic structures in the National Park System. Stewardship of historic structures provides the richness and complexity of the human story of our nation and includes the living traditions of Native Americans and peoples whose roots lie in Africa, Oceania, Europe, and Asia.

Historic structures include buildings and monuments, dams, millraces, and canals, nautical vessels, bridges, tunnels and roads, railroad locomotives, rolling stock and track, stockades and fences, defensive works, temple mounds and kivas, ruins of all structural types, and outdoor sculpture. Historic structures are usually immovable, although some have been relocated and others are movable by design. The Park Historic Structures Program focuses on structures listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.

The preservation of historic structures involves two basic concerns: slowing the rate at which historic material is lost, and maintaining historic character. The program offers strategic planning for strengthening and expanding programs; coordinates inventory and research efforts; provides technical information; and organizes and participates in training opportunities.



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