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NIST Special Publication 951

A Guide to EU Standards and Conformity Assessment

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Helen Delaney and Rene van de Zande, Co-Editors

Global Standards Program
Office of Standards Services
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg MD 20899-2100

Order No. 43 NANB912297


May 2000



This guide is an easy-to-use introductory reference for industry and government officials on the general principles and concepts behind the European Union’s (EU) "New Approach" laws and directives. It is designed to help business and government officials understand the new laws, the EU’s standardization process, and the relationship between the European Commission and the European standardization bodies in the European Union. It also provides information on the EU’s approach to conformity assessment and requirements for obtaining CE mark to gain access to the European Market. The guide offers explanations of such concepts and requirements as: notified bodies, conformity assessment modules, supplier’s declaration of conformity, technical construction files, user manuals, authorized representatives, and product liability in the European Union.


Key Words: CEN; CENELEC; conformity assessment; directives; ETSI; European Union; modules; New Approach; notified bodies; product liability; standards; supplier’s declaration of conformity; technical construction files; user manuals


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Technology Services, Standards and Technical Regulations, Global Standards and Information
A Guide to EU Standards and Conformity Assessment, NIST SP 951

Date Created: 05/31/00
Last Modified: 03/18/03

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