DOE-ID Agreements & Commitments


Spent Fuel Settlement Agreement

The Spent Fuel Settlement Agreement agreement permits DOE to receive up to 1,133 shipments of spent nuclear fuel at the Idaho National Laboratory for storage over the next 40 years. In return, the agreement sets a timetable for the treatment of high-level waste now stored at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center, and the removal of 65,000 cubic meters of transuranic waste now stored at the Radioactive Waste Management Complex.  The agreement also establishes a schedule to place all spent fuel at INL in dry storage, and ultimately to remove all spent fuel from the state. This agreement is a federal court order that settled a lawsuit between DOE and the state of Idaho. Click here for the complete document. For more information, contact Brad Bugger at (208) 526-0833 or e-mail at

Site Treatment Plan

This Site Treatment Plan explains how the Department of Energy will come into compliance with federal law governing the management of "mixed wastes" at the Idaho National Laboratory. Mixed wastes are those contaminated with both radiological and hazardous components. The Site Treatment Plan was approved by the State of Idaho, which has authority to regulate mixed wastes at the INL. Click here for the Plan Summary. For more information, contact Don Rasch at (208) 526-1511 or e-mail at

DOE/Tribal Agreement In Principle

This Tribal Working Agreement defines interfaces between the Department of Energy and the Shoshone-Bannock tribes, who are located at the Fort Hall Indian Reservation southeast of the INL. The agreement also describes the technical and financial assistance DOE will provide to the tribes. Click here to view complete document. For more information, contact Robert L. Pence at (208) 526-6518 or e-mail at

Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order

This FFA/CO establishes a process for evaluating past potential releases to the environment at the INL, determining the risk any releases may pose to human health and the environment, and evaluating potential remedies. Better known as the "INL cleanup agreement," the FFA/CO was signed by the Environmental Protection Agency, State of Idaho and DOE. Click here for highlights of the INL's environmental restoration program. For more information or a copy of the FFA/CO, contact Brad Bugger at (208) 526-0833 or email at

Environmental Oversight Monitoring Agreement

The goals of this Agreement are to maintain an independent, impartial, and qualified State of Idaho INL Oversight Program to assess the potential impacts of present and future Department of Energy (DOE) activities in Idaho; to assure the citizens of Idaho that all present and future DOE activities in Idaho are protective of the health and safety of Idahoans and the environment; and to communicate the findings to the citizens of Idaho in a manner which provides them the opportunity to evaluate potential impacts of present and future DOE activities in Idaho. Click here for the complete document.


Last updated: 03/26/2008
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