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ECATS Information
Welcome to the Environmental Compliance and Awareness Training Survey (ECATS).
ECATS is a "tool" which can be used by commanders and supervisors to determine the environmental training "requirements" of their assigned personnel. The program is highly user friendly and was designed specifically for use by non-computer experts. It determines training requirements without regard to military occupational specialty (MOS) or job series. It can be used by uniformed and non-uniformed employees and by contractors.
ECATS determines environmental related training "mandated" by Federal Law (i.e. 29, 40 and 49 CFRs). Many environmental related courses are required by state or local laws and regulations; by installation or activity Standard Operating Procedures (SOP); or, are considered required training in accordance with best management practices established by commanders or supervisors. Those responsible for environmental training are encouraged to use their best judgment in determining environmental training requirements not identified by ECATS.
  1. Click here to download a self-extracting zip file. Save the file anywhere on your hard disk that you would like.
  2. Double click on the file ECATS.EXE, the ECATS files will be unzipped to C:/temp/ecats.
  3. On the opening window for unzipping ECATS.EXE there is an option box that will run install.exe when the files are unzipped; toggle this on or off as desired, default is on.
  4. Follow the easy to understand on-screen directions from there.
To use ECATS after initial installation, (no disk is required):
  1. Enter the Drive which you have installed ECATS (probably Drive C).
  2. Now type "CD\Survey" [enter] (do not put in quotes).
  3. Now type "Survey" [enter] (do not put in quotes).
  4. You should now be in ECATS. Again follow the easy to understand directions.
Once ECATS is installed you can pass the disk along to someone else. ECATS is the property of the US Army and may be reproduced locally.
ECATS was designed and developed by the Environmental Training Support Center (ETSC). ETSCs mission is to provide direct support to the US Army Environmental Center (AEC) at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, and military installations worldwide. ETSC is co-located with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Professional Development Support Center (PDSC) in Huntsville, Alabama.
The designer and program manager for ECATS is Rick Montgomery, (205) 895-7414, DSN 760-7414, Fax (205) 895-7466 or
E-mail - If you have any problems, questions, or comments about this product, feel free to contact him.
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