Partnerships At a Glance Banner

At a Glance

    USACE is the Nation’s largest provider of outdoor recreation We manage more than 2,500 recreation areas at 456 projects (mostly lakes). We lease an additional 1,800 sites to state or local park and recreation authorities or private interests. On the average we host about 375 million visits a year at our lakes. Sustaining this mission is an increasingly resource-intensive task. The average age of recreation structures across the Corps now exceeds 45 years, and more than 30 percent of Corps facilities are more than 50 years old. The recreation facility critical maintenance backlog exceeds $100 million dollars. Visitation at Corps projects continues to increase and requires many adaptations of existing programs and facilities to accommodate an increasingly diverse customer base. The nationwide emphasis on environmental issues has also resulted in growth in the Corps natural resources management requirements. Despite this growth in programmatic requirements, O&M, General appropriation, which funds the recreation and natural resources management functions of the Corps, remains essentially flat over the past decade, once adjusted for inflation.

    The Corps recognizes these are critical issue for all Corps mission areas. Emphasis is placed on the need for increased efficiency and effectiveness, the need to leverage resources, and to improve partnerships. Therefore, partnerships between federal and state governments and with Native American tribes, public/private collaborations, and innovations become essential to combining resources in order to mover forward in meeting key water resources challenges. Partnerships are critical to achieving this vision. The NRM Program has embraced this reality and is committed to exploring fully the potential development of new public-private partnerships to leverage limited appropriated funds and human resources.

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Updated: March 2008