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PMI: Presidents Malaria Initiative - Saving lives in Africa.

World Malaria Day – 2008

  Photo of mothers and their children waiting for antenatal care services in a PMI-supported clinic in Tanzania.
  Mothers and their children wait for antenatal care services in a PMI-supported clinic in Tanzania. Source: Bonnie Gillespie/Voices for a Malaria-Free Future

A Disease Without Borders
April 25, 2008, marks the first World Malaria Day. Malaria is a preventable disease that causes more than 1 million deaths in infants and children under age 5 in sub-Saharan Africa – one approximately every 30 seconds. This year's theme, "Disease Without Borders," highlights malaria as a global emergency that knows no borders.

For the past eight years, April 25 has been recognized as Africa Malaria Day. Last year, President Bush proclaimed April 25 Malaria Awareness Day in the United States. This year the United States, African countries, and other nations are coming together for World Malaria Day to help raise global awareness of malaria, celebrate progress, and reaffirm their commitment to fighting the disease.

What's New

  World Malaria Day Button.  Click here to view the Roll Back Malaria Web Site

Press Releases and Announcements

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