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What's New- 2002

What's new in GrainGenes in 2002?


  • Wheat and barley EST hits to rice BAC/PACs, from Lenny Teytelman of Gramene. Updated, 5 October -- now 160,000 hits.
  • EST-SSRs, from Ju-Kyung Yu, Ramesh Kantety, Mauricio LaRota and Mark Sorrells
    16,000 microsatellite-containing ESTs from wheat, barley, rice, maize and sorghum. Organized in 530 cross-species "superclusters" by sequence similarity.
  • TREP, the Triticeae Repeat Sequence Database, from Thomas Wicker
    Including annotation for each repeat element. Release 4, October 2002
  • GenBank data for all Triticeae sequences through GenBank Release 130. Thanks to NCBI!
    Example sequence: BE425306




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GrainGenes is a product of the Agricultural Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture.