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Addresses, Hours, Phone Numbers

For addresses, hours listings, and phone numbers for the Southern District of Texas, please select the appropriate court division from the Addresses, Hours, Phone listing.

Southern District of Texas ECF Help Desk

If you have any questions about Electronic Case Filing, please call our ECF Help Desk at 1-866-358-6201.

We also provide e-mail ECF Help Desk support for District Court ECF at district_ecf_helpdesk@txs.uscourts.gov or for Bankruptcy Court ECF at bankruptcy_ecf_helpdesk@txs.uscourts.gov.

Contacting the Web Site Administrator

You may send comments or suggestions about the site, its design, layout or content to the Southern District of Texas site administrator via e-mail at txs_webmaster@txs.uscourts.gov or by filling out the form below.

NOTE: If you are submitting your comments or suggestions via form, please be specific and include any URL's or addresses as needed.