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Military Installation Support

The Baltimore District supports a large military construction program for 23 military installations and numerous U.S. Army reserve centers. Our expertise ranges from master planning to engineering plans and specifications. The geographic area for our military program includes Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and Northern Virginia.

Typical projects include construction of military housing, child care facilities, and reserve centers. Our design and construction teams specialize in modular construction to support the Army's transformation to the Objective Force. We have some unique, one-of-a-kind projects for other Department of Defense agencies as well. Military construction for the Army, Army Reserve, and the Air Force forms the majority of the District's design and construction management workload. These projects can require new construction or renovation of an existing facility. Once completed, such projects allow the users to keep pace with technology and improve the working conditions and lifestyle of government employees and service members and their dependents that use the facility.


Military Installations

National Capitol Region Customers Map

In addition to building new facilities, our Real Estate team oversees the disposal and sale of former defense properties.

We also investigate and remediate formerly used defense sites in Pennsylvania, Maryland and the District of Columbia.

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Programs and Projects Management Division
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CENAB Webmaster

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