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Sandia/California embraces diversity, inclusion, and respect as part of our organization’s core cultural values. For more than 50 years, Sandia has worked toward securing a peaceful and free world through technology. We recognize and celebrate the diversity of the communities that we serve across the world, and we seek to reflect this diversity in our workforce.

The spirit of diversity at Sandia extends to all of our employees and potential recruits, who each bring unique talents, expertise, and perspective to our organization. We respect and value individual differences, and we firmly believe that our organization’s success depends on the collaborative efforts of a diverse workforce.

As part of our workplace diversity efforts, Sandia created the Heart of Diversity Award, which recognizes Sandians who take significant positive action to address a workplace diversity issue. We are pleased that our Heart of Diversity Award program was selected to receive a Secretary of Energy Equal Employment Opportunity & Diversity Best Practices Award in 2007.

Division Diversity Council

The Division Diversity Council (DDC) at Sandia/California advises executive management to help create and sustain a diverse and inclusive work environment where every individual is valued. The DDC promotes the four principles of diversity (education, understanding, tolerance, and inclusivity) and organizes yearly diversity forums to celebrate diversity across the whole California site. Council members also partner with Human Resources staff to deliver diversity presentations at new hire orientations, develop guidelines for site-wide diversity communications, and lead the planning and implementation of diversity initiatives.

Outreach and Networking Groups

Several networking groups at Sandia/California have been formed by employees with common interests. The following groups, which are open to all Sandia employees, share a common goal of supporting, celebrating, retaining, and attracting a diverse workforce: