Open New Account


To obtain Library of Congress card numbers for your forthcoming books, you must first complete the Application to Participate and obtain an account number and password. The account number and password will provide you access to the appropriate form for requesting Library of Congress card numbers.

PCN policy is to provide only one account number for each participating publisher. Particularly large houses may warrant exception to this policy. Those houses should contact their Publisher Liaison for further guidance upon establishing their first account.

Please be sure to read the following before completing the Application to Participate:

Please also note that a JavaScript-enabled browser such as Netscape 4.5 or Microsoft Explorer 4.0 or higher is required to complete the application to participate and the subsequent form to request Library of Congress card numbers.

If, after reading the above, your house appears eligible to participate in the PCN program, please complete the Application to Participate.

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PCN Help Desk ( February 15, 2006 )