Links to Helpful Sites

This list does not reflect our endorsement of the organizations, their products, or services. The Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network has no control over the content of these sites and cannot guarantee the appropriateness of these sites from day to day. If you identify other useful Web sites not currently included, please contact us with your suggestions.

State and National Related Agencies and Organizations

The map below provides links to State and Territory TANF agencies. To activate individual links from the map below, please click on the State of interest.

Region 1=Region One   Region 2=Region Two    Region 3=Region Three    Region 4=Region Four    Region 5=Region Five
Region 6=Region Six    Region 7=Region Seven    Region 8=Region Eight    Region 9=Region Nine    Region 10=Region Ten

US Map District of Columbia Washington Oregon California Nevada Idaho Montana Wyoming Utah Colorado Arizona New Mexico North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Wisconsin Illinois Indiana Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Georgia Florida South Carolina North Carolina Ohio West Virginia Virginia Pennsylvania Maryland Delaware New Jersey New York Vermont New Hampshire Maine Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Alaska Hawaii American Samoa Islands Michigan


Online information about Key Low-Income Benefit Programs Links to Policy Manuals, Descriptive Information, and Applications for State Food Stamp, TANF, Child Care, Medicaid, and SCHIP Programs - August 2005 - This database has links to the five main state-administered low-income benefit programs - food stamps, Medicaid, SCHIP, TANF and child care - for each state

National Association of Counties (NACo)
The National Association of Counties works to improve public understanding of counties, acts as a liaison with other levels of government, serves as a national advocate for counties and provides them with resources to help them find innovative methods to meet the challenges they face. The association provides training and technical assistance on a variety of issues faced by county social services such as family success and health.

National Association for State Community Service Programs (NASCSP)
NASCSP's mission is to assist states in responding to poverty issues, such as health disparities, child poverty, and welfare reform.

National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
NCSL's mission is to improve the quality and effectiveness of state legislatures to foster interstate communication and cooperation, and to ensure legislatures a strong, cohesive voice in the federal system. The Conference focuses on several issue areas such as human services which includes contents regarding welfare and poverty, child welfare, and child support. The NCSL is a source for research, publications, consulting services, meetings and seminars.

National Governor's Association (NGA)
NGA is the only bipartisan national organization of, by, and for the nations' Governors. The association's mission is to provide a forum for Governors to exchange views and experiences among themselves; assistance in solving state focused problems; information on state innovations and practices; and a bipartisan forum for Governors to establish, influence, and implement policy on national issues. Specifically, the NGA Center for Best Practices' Social, Economic & Workforce Programs Division focuses on policy and best practices across a variety of issues including social services for youth, low-income families, and people with disabilities.

U.S. Conference of Mayors
The U.S. Conference of Mayors is the official nonpartisan organization of the nation's 1183 U.S. cities with populations of 30,000 or more. Each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor. The organization seeks to strengthen Federal-city relationships, ensure that Federal policy meets urban needs, and create a forum in which mayors can share ideas and information on improving cities and the welfare of their residents.