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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children

National Electronic Child Support Resource System

NECSRS Home > States > Iowa
(CSE Homepage:

Displaying 24 records.

Centralized Collections/Disbursement
  Electronic Payment Information (EFT)
Payment by phone or by web are programs which allows you to make payments from a touch tone phone or through a secured section of this website.

  Levying from Bank Accounts
When child support is collected by taking money from bank or financial accounts, it is called administrative levy. This method is used to collect past due support.

  Payment Record
To access payment information or to make a payment, your social security number and case number are required.

  ReliaCard Information
Receiving your child support payment by debit card - ReliaCard / Visa

Customer Service
  Contact Us
Contact information for clients and employers including phone, mail and web sites.

  Field Offices/ Counties Served
Location of all of Iowa's Child Support Offices and their specific information

Electronic Funds Transfer [EFT]
  Electronic Payment Information (EFT)
Payment by phone or by web are programs which allows you to make payments from a touch tone phone or through a secured section of this website.

  ReliaCard Information
Receiving your child support payment by debit card - ReliaCard / Visa

  Employers Partnering in Child Support
Employers Partnering in Child Support (EPICS) links the employer community to Iowa's Child Support Recovery Unit (CSRU). EPICS serves as a single point of contact for employers to obtain answers to their questions about child support.

  Federal and State Tax Refunds
Federal tax refunds may be withheld to pay past due child support. When the past due child support is more than $150 owed to the State of Iowa or $500 owed to the family, the federal tax refunds of the person owing child support may be withheld by an offset.

  Income Withholding
When child support is collected from paychecks or other income, it is called income withholding.

  Passport Sanctions
When the person owing child support owes $5,000 or more in overdue support, their passport may be sanctioned. This means they may be unable to obtain a passport or their existing passport may be taken or not renewed.

Establishment of Cases
 Intake (Applying for Services)
  Application for Nonassistance Support Services
Please return pages 1 through 6 with your application fee to the nearest CSRU office.

  How to Apply for Services
To apply for services select the Application for Services form. Mail the completed form to the Child Support Office serving your county. Please also send copies of any court orders and payment records that already exist for your case.

Establishment of Orders
  Setting Support Amount Using Iowa Supreme Court Guidelines
The Child Support Recovery Unit uses the Iowa Supreme Court's Guidelines to set the child support amount.

FPLS Access
  CSENet 2000 State Contact Information
The states with whom Iowa is currently exchanging interstate information via CSENet.

  Iowa Fatherhood
This site contains links to a variety of other sites with Iowa, regional, or national importance. We have tried to include those whose content can most directly support the role of Iowa's parents with their children.

  Child Support Guidelines
This page outlines Iowa`s child support guidelines and criteria. Includes worksheets, charts and forms in Portable Document Format (pdf).

  Judicial Child Support
Background information on child support, as well as on modification of orders and enforcement.

  CSENet 2000 State Contact Information
The states with whom Iowa is currently exchanging interstate information via CSENet.

  Federal and State Tax Refunds
Federal tax refunds may be withheld to pay past due child support. When the past due child support is more than $150 owed to the State of Iowa or $500 owed to the family, the federal tax refunds of the person owing child support may be withheld by an offset.

  Income Withholding
When child support is collected from paychecks or other income, it is called income withholding.

Passport Denial
  Passport Sanctions
When the person owing child support owes $5,000 or more in overdue support, their passport may be sanctioned. This means they may be unable to obtain a passport or their existing passport may be taken or not renewed.

Public Information/Outreach
This page provides the forms you might need for a child support case and more.

  Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about child support.

  General Information
Click any topic on this page to go directly to that section.

  Home Page for Iowa
Iowa Child Support Enforcement Home page

  What's New
This page provides updated child support information.

Review and Modification of Orders
  Final Program Progress Report on Iowa Child Support Enforcement Website Enhancements
The purpose of this project was to improve customer service, provide ready access to information to customers, and lessen workers' time spent on modification requests that resulted in no-change orders.

  Final Program Progress Report on Iowa Child Support Enforcement Website Enhancements
The purpose of this project was to improve customer service, provide ready access to information to customers, and lessen workers' time spent on modification requests that resulted in no-change orders.