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GrainGenes Class Browser

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Results:  2145746 Records in 28 Classes

Class     Records
Allele   1166
Author   22708
Colleague   2463
Collection   281
Gene   3444
Gene Class   544
Gene Product   3622
Germplasm   37963
Image   2370
Journal   1185
Keyword   22124
Library   93
Locus   57126
Map   1611
Map Data   175
Marker   76608
Pathology   451
Polymorphism   2799
Probe   36934
Protein   20578
QTL   1582
Rearrangement   838
Reference   14008
Sequence   1831789
Species   1808
Trait   262
Trait Study   616
2 Point Data   598

GrainGenes is a product of the Agricultural Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture.