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Southwestern Division, established in 1937 to manage large-scale construction projects authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1936, is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with district offices in Fort Worth and Galveston, Texas; Little Rock, Arkansas; and Tulsa, Oklahoma. Our regional team has grown in expertise and missions, overseeing hundreds of water resources development, military design and construction projects.

The division manages 2.3 million acres of public land and water, and is committed to being a good steward of our Nation’s financial and environmental resources and to providing top-quality service to the people of the Southwest, and seamless service to the Nation. The Division performs water resources development and management activities in all or part of Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas, and has Military Program responsibilities in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and part of New Mexico.

Most of our work falls into three major mission areas: Civil Works, which includes in-part, flood damage reduction, navigation, hydropower, water supply, recreation, regulatory, and disaster relief; Military Programs, which includes engineering, construction, and environmental management services for the Army and Air Force, and engineering support for Army Transformation; and, International and Interagency Services, which includes planning, and engineering and construction management services for other federal, state and local agencies.

Civil Works Boundaries

All or part of 6 States:

  • 16 projects under construction
  • 100+ projects operated/maintained
  • 2.3 million acres public land and water
Military Boundaries

All or parts of 5 states:

  • 443,700 square miles
  • 10 Army installations
  • 11 Air Force installations

1,458 miles of channels

  • 12 deep draft ports
  • 22 shallow draft ports
  • 22 locks

614 million tons of commerce
2 major waterways:

  • McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System
  • Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (Brownsville to TX-LA line)
Flood Damage Reduction

90 flood damage reduction lakes/reservoirs

  • 25 in Fort Worth District
  • 3 in Galveston District
  • 12 in Little Rock District
  • 50 in Tulsa District

33.22 million acre-feet of flood storage at Corps lakes

760 miles of local flood protection projects (floodwalls, levees)

1.3 billion average annual cumulative flood damages prevented


11,400 miles of lake shoreline with

  • 1,172 recreation sites
  • 1,174 boat ramps
  • 28,112 campsites
  • 82.3 million visits annually
Hydroelectric Power

18 plants

  • 1,726 megawatts capacity
  • 87% of hydropower capacity in region
  • 4,885 gwh generated
  • $100.2 million in revenue from sales

8 non-Federal plants at Corps dams

  • 255 megawatts capacity
Water Supply

7.7 million acre-feet of storage for municipal, industrial and agricultural use

  • 36% of potable water for Texas
  • 35% of potable water for Oklahoma
  • 20% of potable water for Kansas