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    Transcripts and CD Information


    To obtain a transcript copy, fill out and sign the Transcript Order Form (PDF), and deliver it to the clerk's office. The clerk's office will arrange for transmittal of the tape of the proceedings to a transcriptionist or reporter. The transcriptionist or reporter will contact you to confirm the specifications for the job and to collect a deposit before starting your order. You make all payments to the transcriptionist or reporter and not to the court. The format, delivery schedules, and fee requirements are set forth by U.S. Judicial Conference standards and are listed in the table below at a price per page.


    Delivery Schedule Original First Copy to Each Party Each Additional Copy to the Same Party
    Ordinary Transcript - a transcript to be delivered within thirty calendar
    days after receipt of an order.
    $3.30 $0.83 $0.55
    Expedited Transcript - to be delivered within seven calendar days. $4.40 $0.83 $0.55
    Daily Transcript - to be delivered following adjournment and prior to the normal opening hour of court on the following morning whether or not it's actually a court day. $5.50 $1.10 $0.83
    Hourly Transcript - ordered under unusual circumstances to be delivered within two hours. $6.60 $1.10 $0.83
    Real-time Transcript - A draft unedited transcript produced by a certified real-time reporter as a by-product of real time to be delivered electronically during proceedings or immediately following adjournment. $2.75 $1.10  


    To obtain an audio copy on CD, complete and sign the CD Order Form (PDF) and deliver it to the clerk's office with a $26.00 processing fee. If the order is voluminous, your request may be recorded on DVD. Delivery time is computed from the court's receipt date and the court will notify you when the CD is ready for pick-up.