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FcepsilonRI -Bearing Human Mast Cell Lines

Description of Invention:
Allergic diseases, which include asthma, are a significant health problem in the United States, with 15-25% of the population displaying some form of allergies. The mast cell is the major effector cell of allergic inflammation and has also been shown to be involved in delayed hypersensitivity reactions, fibrosis, autoimmune disorders, neoplasia, and immunity against parasitic infections. Most mast cell studies are currently performed using mast cells derived from cultured CD34+ progenitor cells, which is time consuming, costly, and produces a poor yield of cells.

The NIH announces a number of newly derived mast cell lines that more closely resemble normal in vivo and in vitro human mast cells, which express functional FcepsilonRI receptors and respond to Stem Cell Factor (SCF) with proliferation. It is well known that the most important means by which mast cells induce inflammation is by mediator release via FcepsilonRI receptor cross-linking. These cell lines also release mediators by cross-linking of FcgammaRI (CD64) receptors, and have been shown to express FcgammaRII (CD32). It is anticipated that these cell lines will be useful in a variety of research projects including the development of drugs that block the release of potent mediators that cause allergic inflammation and the development of drugs to inhibit mast cell hyperplasia and dysmyelopoiesis in mastocytosis.

Arnold Kirshenbaum (NIAID)
Cem Akin (NIAID)
Dean D. Metcalfe (NIAID)

Patent Status:
DHHS Reference No. E-279-2001/0 -- Research Materials

Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine-Diagnostics-Anti-Inflammatory (including Autoimmune)
Internal Medicine-Diagnostics
Internal Medicine-Research Materials

For Additional Information Please Contact:
Tara L. Kirby Ph.D.
NIH Office of Technology Transfer
6011 Executive Blvd, Suite 325
Rockville, MD 20852-3804
Phone: (301)435-4426
Fax: (301)402-0220

Web Ref: 641

Updated: 11/02

