News Release

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Contact: Alan Bland
Release No: 165-08
Phone (479) 636-1210


ROGERS, Ark., Nov. 26 - The high level of Beaver Lake caused by repeated rains during the spring and summer of 2008 is hopefully coming to a close. On Monday, Dec. 1, the Army Corps of Engineers will begin making releases through the hydropower turbines to bring the lake down almost six feet to the top of the conservation pool.

The Corps is advising boat dock owners to keep an eye on their docks during the first two weeks in December and move them as needed to prevent them from grounding as the lake recedes.

Downstream conditions at Table Rock and Bull Shoals lakes are such that the floodwater stored in Beaver can begin to be released. Releases will continue 18 hours a day. If additional heavy rains fall, the process could be extended over a longer period of time.

On or about Wednesday, Dec. 10, the releases will be cut back to 12 hours a day, the lake level will continue down at a slower rate until about Dec. 13 when conservation pool, elevation 1,120.4, is expected to be reached.

Daily lake information can be obtained on the Internet at and click the "Water Management" button.