CNLO2 : Canton Lake

Current Readings:

Gate Changes:

Reservoir Data:

Elevation Incremental Storage Cumulative Storage
(feet) (inches) (acre-feet) (inches) (acre-feet)
Surcharge Pool: ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Flood Control Pool: 1626.00 0.26 103394 0.53 214747
Conservation Pool: 1615.40 0.24 97176 0.27 111353
Inactive Pool: 1596.50 0.03 14177 0.03 14177

Streambed Elevation: 1575.00 feet.
Top of Dam Elevation: 1648.00 feet.
All storages based on a contributing drainage area of 7600 square miles.
Total drainage area for the lake is 12483 square miles (including upstream projects).
Longitude: 98° 36' 5" Latitude: 36° 5' 3"

Links for More Information:

Graphs of Measured and Calculated Lake Parameters:

Click on a thumbnail to receive the full-size graphic.
Elevation Releases Inflow Precipitation