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PMI: Presidents Malaria Initiative - Saving lives in Africa.

President's Malaria Initiative E-Newsletter

Winter 2006

The White House Summit on Malaria
Table of Contents

Country-Specific Activities
Ask the Coordinator
Voices from the Field


President and Mrs. Bush host The White House Summit on Malaria

Speaking at the first ever White House Summit on Malaria on December 14, President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush highlighted the concrete results delivered in just the first year of a five-year, $1.2 billion President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI).  “Through our early PMI partnerships with the first three focus countries,” explained Mrs. Bush, “aid from the American people has reached about 6 million Africans. Next year, 30 million more will receive life-saving medicines, sprays, and nets as the program expands.” PMI was announced by President Bush June 30, 2005, to reduce malaria deaths by half in 15 focus countries in Africa. Malaria kills more than one million people each year with 80-90 percent being children under five in Africa.

Speeches from the Summit

  • President Bush Attends White House Summit on Malaria
    “One area in which America has a tremendous potential to help is in the fight against malaria. At home, malaria was eliminated decades ago. It is possible to eliminate malaria. In Africa, malaria remains a persistent killer. I think our citizens will be amazed to hear that last year, about a million Africans died of malaria. The vast majority were children under five – their lives ended by nothing more than a mosquito bite. …Now is the time to act."

  • Photo of President George W. Bush, joined by Laura Bush, addresses participants at the first-ever White House Summit on Malaria, Thursday, Dec, 14, 2006, at the National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C. President Bush's Malaria Initiative is a five-year $1.2 billion program to eradicate malaria in 15 countries. Source: Shealah Craighead/White House.
      Source: Shealah Craighead/ White House
  • Mrs. Bush's Remarks at the White House Summit on Malaria
    “This initiative calls on developed countries, private foundations, and volunteer organizations to join to reduce the suffering and death caused by malaria."

  • Remarks by Rear Admiral R. Timothy Ziemer, PMI Coordinator, at the White House Summit on Malaria
    "The PMI is being implemented with unprecedented speed, and I view it as something of an emergency response... In line with Ambassador Tobias’ leadership, the PMI is based on his core principles of efficiency, accountability and transparency. Success measured on outcomes – lives saved, not dollars spent."
Related Articles

  • President Names Final Eight Focus Countries
    At the White House Summit on Malaria, President Bush announced the eight newest PMI focus countries.

Watch Video from the Summit
You Can Help Fight Malaria - Find out how

  • Watch the webcast, read the transcript, or download
    a podcast of the Summit.

New Fact Sheets on Malaria

  • White House Fact Sheet on the Summit
    The Summit's goals were to raise awareness of malaria and to mobilize a grassroots effort to save millions of lives in Africa.

  • PMI Launches Malaria Communities Program
    The President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) will launch the Malaria Communities Program, a $30 million initiative to build independent, sustainable malaria-control projects in Africa by providing grants to African NGOs and religious groups to support their malaria-control work.

  • Updated PMI Fast Facts
    Over 6 million people in Africa have received lifesaving prevention or treatment services since the inception of PMI.

Summit Brochure [PDF, 1.8MB]

  • Fighting Malaria, Saving Lives
    Download the event brochure and read about the challenge of malaria in Africa.

Country-Specific Activities top

Photo of U.S. Ambassador Michael Retzer, with Minister of Health and Social Welfare Hon Prof David Mwakyusa looking on behind, right, provides an Infant Bed Net Voucher to a woman in Morogoro, Tanzania, to protect her child from malaria as part of the national Infant Voucher launch. The Infant Voucher program is supported by the PMI.
Source: Jeff Salaiz/USAID
New and Revised Country Profiles
  • Read country profiles on each of the 15 focus countries in the PMI, including new focus countries: Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali and Zambia

Malaria Operational Plans for Fiscal Year 2007

Photo Galleries

Ask the Coordinator top

Cathryn Wojcicki from Missouri asked PMI Coordinator Timothy Ziemer about the effects of spraying the inside of homes with pesticides.

Voices from the Field top

Photo of Zainabu Hamis Maubi, on the right, with her aunt who is also her caretaker, and her identical twin Zaituni. Source: Karie Atkinson/USAID
Source: Karie Atkinson/USAID
Antimalarial Drugs Save Tanzanian Girl’s Life
Without lifesaving anti-malarial drugs, Zainabu Hamis Maubi would not be alive today. Through the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), the 2-year-old received artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) to cure her malaria.
If you have questions or comments, please contact Chris Thomas at

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