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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Request for Documents

You may submit a FOIA request by completing the form below and clicking the Submit button.
You may fax or mail the form; click on the Open Printable Form to print the request form.
The printable form contains the fax number and the mailing address.

Electronic FOIA Request Form

(Fields indicated by an * are required.)
First Name:* Last Name:*  
Company or Organization: 
Address 1:*
Address 2:  
State:* Zip Code:*
Telephone:* Fax: 
Email Address: 
          Description of Document(s) Requested:* Request is:*           For Copies  To View

I understand that Freedom of Information Act regulations and Army Regulation 25-55 may require
that I be required to pay search and duplications costs (and review fees for commercial request).
I am willing to pay reasonable costs associated with this request.

I Agree to Costs          Request a Fee Waiver