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What's happening with the
Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

USAID is helping farmers' organizations, like this group in Kano, Nigeria, to plant and harvest higher-yielding crops. These women have boosted their incomes by producing more cowpeas than in previous years.

Letter From The Director –

Welcome to the USAID Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives website!

In 2002 the Center for Faith-Based & Community Initiatives (CFBCI) was established by Executive Order 13280. The CFBCI works to serve as a bridge between faith and community based organizations and government. It is our goal to increase the capacity of faith & community based groups to better compete for funding opportunities and to eliminate barriers to faith and community based organizations in order that they may compete for funds fairly. In addition, we work to increase collaboration among the people and organizations that are trying to address some of the greatest social service needs in our world today.

The Faith and Community Based Initiative is woven into each of the programs that USAID administers. The CFBCI works to help bring together unique collaborative partners who design and deliver effective and efficient social service delivery systems for international aid and development. To say it more simply, we strive to help average people join with other average people to bring about extraordinary solutions to heal individuals, families and communities around the world.

Faith and community based organizations have extensive social networks and infrastructure, tremendous resources, and vital trust in communities around the globe, allowing USAID to maximize its resources by partnering with these valuable organizations. For these reasons, we seek to identify and help strong, effective, and efficient groups compete for funds. We look forward to working with each of you and helping you and your organizations endeavor to serve those around the globe.

This website is designed to assist faith and community-based organizations by providing information on funding and partnership opportunities with government and other faith and community-based groups. Please check back with us often as we continue to make improvements to the resources available to you.

Thank you for the work you are doing and for your commitment to serving those in our world who are in great need. I encourage you to contact us with questions, suggestions and success stories. We look forward to hearing from you!

Terri Hasdorff


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