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2007 PQRI Educational Resources

New! Two new MLN articles that outline the steps for accessing 2007 PQRI Feedback Reports are available in the "Download" section below.

The 2007 educational resources listed on this web page were designed to increase national awareness of the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative, and give information to eligible professionals that helped them to successfully participate in the 2007 program.

This page provides information on the following educational resources and tool kit components.

2007 PQRI Educational Resources include:

  • 2007 PQRI Fact Sheet
  • 2007 PQRI Tip Sheets
  • 2007 PQRI MLN Matters Articles

2007 PQRI Tool Kit components include:

  • 2007 Coding for Quality, A Handbook for PQRI Participation and Errata Sheet
  • 2007 Data Collection Worksheets and Errata Sheet
  • 2007 PQRI Code Master


2007 PQRI Educational Resources

The following PQRI educational resources were available to assist eligible professionals to successfully participate:

Coding for Quality - A Handbook for PQRI Participation - facilitated PQRI implementation for successful reporting.

2007 PQRI Code Master this Excel spreadsheet provides a sequential list of all ICD-9-CM (I9) and CPT (CPT4) codes with associated CPT II exclusion modifiers that were included in the 2007 PQRI.

2007 PQRI Fact Sheet provides an overview of the 2007 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative.

2007 PQRI Tip Sheet provides tips on accurate submission of all information required for selected PQRI measures on Medicare claims for services furnished to Medicare Fee-for-Service beneficiaries.

2007 PQRI MLN Matters Articles describe the PQRI program and provide information on how to participate.  All MLN Matters Articles related to the 2007 PQRI are available in the "Downloads" Section below.

All the 2007 PQRI educational resources listed above are available in the "Downloads" section below. 


2007 PQRI Tool Kit Components

The Tool Kit includes valuable resources to assist eligible professionals in the successful integration of PQRI measurement into their practice. An updated version of the Tool Kit is available by clicking the PQRI Tool Kit tab on the navigation bar at the top left of this page.  

  • 2007 Coding for Quality Handbook  delineates coding and reporting principles and provides implementation guidelines for how to successfully report measures using clinical scenarios.
  • 2007 Coding for Quality Handbook Errata Sheet  describes corrections or changes identified after the handbook was originally posted.
  • 2007 Data Collection Worksheets  measure-specific worksheets that walk the user step-by-step through reporting for each measure. These worksheets were intended for use by the professionals on a concurrent basis to collect PQRI data.
  • 2007 Data Collections Worksheets Errata Sheet  describes corrections or changes identified after the worksheets were originally posted.
  • 2007 PQRI Code Master  a numerical listing of all codes included in PQRI, intended to help professionals ensure that the practice's billing software can capture all the codes and associated modifiers used in the 2007 PQRI.

MLN SE0830 - Steps to Access 2007 PQRI Feedback Reports by Individual Eligible Professionals [PDF 89 KB ]

MLN SE0831 - Steps to Access 2007 PQRI Feedback Reports by Organizations [PDF 87 KB ]

2007 PQRI Fact Sheet [PDF, 1.01MB]

2007 PQRI Tip Sheet [PDF, 71KB]

2007 Coding for Quality Handbook [PDF 1.07MB]

2007 Coding for Quality Handbook Errata Sheet [ZIP 75KB]

2007 Data Collection Worksheets [ZIP 1.2 MB]

2007 Data Collection Worksheets Errata Sheet [ZIP 62KB]

Related Links Inside CMS

MM5558 - Program Overview - 2007 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) [PDF, 1MB]

MM5640 - Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) Coding & Reporting Principles [PDF, 1MB]

Physician ODF Listserv

Physician Listserv

All 2007 PQRI FAQs

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Page Last Modified: 08/27/2008 7:36:57 AM
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