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Donald A. Singer

 Donald A. Singer
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Current Activities

Donald A. Singer is Project Chief of the USGS Advanced Mineral Assessment Methods Project that develops and test quantitative methods for assessments and exploration, and performs research on exploration strategies. His publications on geometric probability are used for environmental sampling. His work on mineral-deposit models, grade and tonnage models, advanced technologies, economic models, and useful forms of mineral-resource assessments has provided a robust foundation for mineral-resource assessments. Recent work has been on developing and testing methods such as neural networks to integrate geoscience information for resource assessments and exploration. The Society of Economic Geologists awarded him its Silver Medal in 1999 and he received the U.S. Department of the Interior's Meritorious Service Award in 1989. He has been a Geologist with the U. S. Geological Survey since 1973. Prior to this, he was a System Analyst with Kennecott Copper. He holds a PhD in mineralogy and petrology from The Pennsylvania State University.
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