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PMI: Presidents Malaria Initiative - Saving lives in Africa.

President's Malaria Initiative E-Newsletter

March 2008

Table of Contents

Country-Specific Activities
Technical Areas
New and Updated Resources on


Photo of President George W. Bush presenting a mosquito net to a patient during a tour Monday, Feb. 18, 2008, of the Meru District Hospital outpatient clinic in Arusha, Tanzania. The mosquito nets are part of a program to help in the battle against malaria.
President George W. Bush presents a mosquito net to a patient during a tour on February 18, 2008, of the Meru District Hospital outpatient clinic in Arusha, Tanzania. Source: White House photo by Eric Draper
President and Mrs. Bush's Trip to Africa
The President and Mrs. Laura Bush recently returned from a five-nation trip to Africa, with stops in Benin, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ghana, and Liberia. They saw firsthand the significant progress in these regions since President Bush’s last visit in 2003. In Tanzania, the President announced a new effort to provide 5.2 million free mosquito bed nets, one for every Tanzanian child age 5 and under. Speeches from the President’s Trip to Africa
Other News

Country-Specific Activities top

Photo of a girl receiving an LLIN (a bed net treated with insecticide that remains effective for five to six years) as part of a national child survival campaign in Mali conducted in December 2007.
A girl receives an LLIN (a bed net treated with insecticide that remains effective for five to six years) as part of a national child survival campaign in Mali in December 2007. Source: Chris Thomas/USAID. View the photo gallery

Updated Country Profiles
Read updated country profiles for: Tanzania, Uganda, Benin, Liberia, Ghana and Rwanda.

New PMI Photo Gallery
Under a unique public-private partnership, PMI – through USAID – provided $1 million for the purchase of 169,800 long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets (LLINs) as part of a national child survival campaign in Mali, in December 2007.

New Contracts and Agreements Under PMI
Eight health programs seek to improve regional malaria prevention and control in Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda by focusing on areas such as indoor residual spraying (IRS), malaria commodity forecasting, procurement, and supply chain and pharmaceutical management. Download the agreements below for details.

Technical Areas top

Photo of Maimuna and her youngest daughter, Zainab, wait in line outside the Lukokoda Clinic in Tandahimba district of Mtwara region, Tanzania. Source: MEDA.
Maimuna and her youngest daughter, Zainab, wait in line outside the Lukokoda Clinic in the Tandahimba District of Mtwara region, Tanzania. Source: MEDA

The Tanzania National Voucher Scheme (TNVS)
As part of the PMI-supported TNVS program, Hati Punguzo vouchers are provided to pregnant women and infants in exchange for insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs). The program is implemented through a partnership of three NGOs and contractors – Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA), World Vision, and Population Services International – and operates in all 21 regions of mainland Tanzania. The TNVS program is also supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Read more about the success of the TNVS program.

Updated PMI Fast Facts
During the Initiative's second year, an estimated 25 million people have been reached with lifesaving prevention or treatment services from PMI. In more than half of the PMI countries, at least 70 percent of households in malaria-endemic areas will own an ITN and will have access to artemisinin-based combination therapies in 70 percent of public health facilities by December 2008.

New and Updated Resources on top

View the latest news and updates on the Malaria Communities Program (MCP)

If you have questions or comments, please contact Chris Thomas at

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