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Happy Halloween!
October 31, 2008


John Whetten Ehninger's October

When I came home from work last night there were piles of leaves all over the front lawn and two humongous carved pumpkins on our front porch. I'd like to think my family dressed up just like the figures in Ehninger's painting when they picked these beauties. But I think it was more of a suburban look over on Aisle 5 of the grocery store. Happy Halloween!

Posted by Jeff on October 31, 2008 in American Art Here, Picture This


Happy Halloween!! To all of you who are a part of this blog. Keep up the good work.

Posted by: Richard Vanderhurst | Nov 1, 2008

Looking forward to visiting SAAM next week. Live in N.M. Great job on the website and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Posted by: David Robey | Nov 15, 2008

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