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Non-Renewal Guidance for Medicare Advantage and Cost based organizations

Welcome to the Non Renewal web page. This page is dedicated to providing guidance for Medicare Advantage and Cost based Organizations. For the upcoming CMS contract year Medicare Advantage and Cost based Organizations have the option to reduce their service area or terminate their Medicare Advantage and/or Cost based Contract with CMS.

CMS has provided specific guidance should a Medicare Advantage and/or Cost based organization choose to nonrenew their contract. For specific information, simply click the selection that best matches your area of interest. Please check back, as we will continue to update these resources regularly.

Update 8/30/2007:

CMS has provided the model Modified ANOC for non-renewing organizations to utilize as needed.

Update 8/15/2007:

CMS has listed below the model letters for Medicare Advantage and Cost Based organizations for your use. For specific Medigap rights for Medicare Advantage and Cost Based organizations for each state, organizations should download the specific state Medigap language.

2008 Model Interim Notice for MA and Cost Based Organizations  - Optional Use By Organizations (pdf, 9 KB)

2008 Model Public Notice for MA and Cost Based Organizations (pdf, 7KB)

2008 NonRenewal Guidance for Medicare Advantage Organizations (zip, 23 KB)

2008 Final Medicare Advantage Beneficiary Notification Letter (pdf, 7KB)

2008 Medicare Advantage - State Specific Medigap Language (zip, 128KB)

2008 NonRenewal Guidance for Cost Based Organizations (zip, 22 KB)

2008 Final Cost Beneficiary Notification Letter (pdf, 34KB)

2008 Cost - State Specific Medigap Language (zip, 128KB)

2008 Final Modified ANOC (pdf, 45KB)

Non-Renewal Reports (zip, 451)

2008  Affected Beneficiaries by State (pdf, 60kb)
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Page Last Modified: 09/03/2008 9:53:01 AM
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