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"When the well is dry, they know the worth of water." - Benjamin Franklin

General Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):

SWD Water Supply and Reallocation Center of Expertise

  • Planning Chiefs Advisory Board
  • Regional Planning Board


  • Regional PDT
    • PMP
    • Studies
    • Agreements/Operating Plans
  • District Resources
    • Design Action Plan
    • Implement Plan
    • Quarterly RPB meetings
    • Measure Performance
    • Adjust Action Plan

The Center will provide services, for fee, to:

  • assist with developing all or any portion of scopes of work and estimates related to:
    • water management studies
    • interdisciplinary regional water supply and reallocation studies using a watershed approach
    • water reallocation agreements,
    • water storage contracting and support
  • provide a technical representative on an existing project delivery team
  • facilitate discussion with stakeholders and regional water districts
  • coordinate and manage independent technical review of any documents relating to water management studies

Central to accomplishing a successful water supply or reallocation study is the understanding of the integration of disciplines and resources needed to look at water resource problems and opportunities on a watershed basis. It is therefore imperative that, when responding to assistance requests, we promote and encourage an interdisciplinary approach to problem solving. The engineering, economic, and environmental issues and concerns must be given equal weight in determining the sustainable solutions to ever increasing water resource needs. The Water Management and Reallocation Studies Center of Expertise will draw upon individuals in all disciplines necessary, wherever located, to successful accomplish the multi-disciplinary philosophy of the watershed approach. Therefore, the Center of Expertise will be integrated into all USACE Communities of Practices and all functional levels.

The Center of Expertise POC will receive all requests for assistance. The work will be presented to the SWD Regional Planning Board for discussion on available resources and capabilities, in relation to the scope of the work. All attempts will be made to achieve a regional integration of resources when possible. Consideration of the needs of the sponsor, District, or customer requesting assistance will be given priority over the requirements to service the request regionally. Work will be distributed down throughout the identified expertise until all available resources are exhausted. Contracting options will be then be pursued if required capabilities are not found within the Corps, or are typically accomplished through contracting means.

Once the requested services have been scoped, agreement has been reached with the requesting party for transfer of funds, and the project delivery team is established, the project management plan will be approved by the SWD Regional Planning Board. The PDT will accomplish the work in accordance with the PMP, under the management of the PCX.

Since little in the way of direct funding is provided to the Planning Centers of Expertise, the cost of general administrative and coordination activities will generally be drawn from the salaries of the SWD members of the PCX staff. Specific PCX services provided for Corps field offices will be reimbursed by the benefiting organization, which is expected to budget for adequate funds for technical assistance, coordination of independent technical review, etc. For this and other reasons, the field office should coordinate with the PCX from the outset of the planning study.