Thursday, July 26, 2007
Iraq Reconstruction, Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

Allegations of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse at the New U.S. Embassy in Iraq

On Thursday, the Committee held a hearing to examine the performance of the State Department and its contractors in the construction of the new $600 million U.S. embassy in Baghdad. The Committee asked questions regarding the embassy compound construction as well as allegations of labor abuse through improper contracting practices. A transcript of this hearing is now available.

The following witnesses testified:

  • Mr. John Owens, Former Employee, First Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting Company
  • Mr. Rory Mayberry, Former Subcontractor Employee, First Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting Company
  • Mr. Karl Demming, KBR
  • Major General (Retired) Charles E. Williams, Director, Office of Overseas Building Operations, Department of State
  • Mr. William Moser, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisitions, Department of State
  • Hon. Patrick Kennedy, Director, Office of Management Policy, Department of State
  • Mr. Howard J. Krongard, Inspector General, Department of State