In November 2004, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and The Nature Conservancy held a joint conference dedicated to their growing partnership.  The conference had two segments.  It started with the first annual meeting for the Sustainable Rivers Project - a nationwide collaboration between the Corps and the Conservancy to re-operate Corps dams to achieve more ecologically sustainable flows, while meeting human needs.  The conference then focused on the Corps and Conservancy partnership from a more comprehensive view, including discussion of joint projects for dam removal, floodplain restoration, and reservoir reoperation.

This web site provides links to the conference agendas and presentation materials.  Simply click on the conference segment of interest.  You will see the agenda for that portion and the links to the presentations. 

All presentation materials are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).

Thank you for your interest! 

Sustainable Rivers Project
November 15-16, 2004

COE-TNC Partnership Conference
November 16-18, 2004