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April 2007

April 17, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

There are so many things happening in the shops right now that it is difficult to write about just one project! Instead, I have posted some new pictures in the photo album for your enjoyment.

A team from Fabrication and Modelshop have been installing the tri-motor airplane vignette for the new America by Air exhibit, opening at the National Air and Space Museum later this year.

Modelmaker Natalie Galleli has been hard at work finishing the mannequins for that exhibit as well. Here she is posing with an airline attendant modeled from herself. In addition to sculpting and molding body parts for the mannequins, Natalie made all the clothing they wear.

And here is Jon Zastrow, one of OEC's resident CNC router experts! The CNC (computer-numeric controled) router makes producing multiple copies of intricately designed pieces much easier and more efficient.

OEC Photos

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