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Global Innovation and Strategy Center (GISC)

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Mr. Kevin E. Williams, SES

Mission Statement
The mission of the GISC is to provide unique global strategies, timely courses of action and new operational tools and analyses in support of the United States Strategic Command mission set.

The terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington D.C. on September 11, 2001 clearly demonstrated that adversaries do not distinguish between America's military, commercial and civilian interests.  The logical response was to combine the Nation's diverse experience and intellect to seek answers to tough questions.    Business leaders came together with their military and government counterparts in an ad hoc relationship called the Partnership to Defeat Terrorism (PTDT) to look at issues involving the security and safety of American interests at home and around the world. The Global Innovation and Strategy Center gives the PTDT, now called Partnership Group, a permanent home along with two other groups, Innovation and Strategy.  Partnership Group is made up of a core group of subject matter experts bringing in the best and brightest thinkers and problem-solvers as team members to address specific problems.  Currently, the GISC has subject matter experts for finance, academia, transportation, information networks, and media.   The Innovation Group, which also has its roots in the events of 9/11, delivers technological solutions through contacts with traditional DoD organizations as well as industry and academia.  Strategy Group builds teams of world class experts to facilitate creative thinking and deliver new strategies and courses of action.  Together, the Partnership, Innovation and Strategy Groups combine in a collaborative environment for solving difficult problems for USSTRATCOM and other customers

Core Competencies

A core competency is hard to imitate, easy to leverage, and provides true customer value. The Global Innovation and Strategy Center core competencies are:

  • Collaborative Process – The GISC Concept of Operations leverages the power of Communities of Interest (COIs) to solve difficult problems by combining tools and processes to integrate high demand people, allowing them to work together in groups to share ideas.

  • Creative People – GISC COIs include world-renowned experts and creative people who understand the value of collaborative processes and non-traditional teams.

  • Knowledge Discovery – GISC teams leverage the vast resources available in the private sector and Department of Defense, not only to discover innovative solutions to specific problems, but to identify problems before they surface or can be fully articulated.

The GISC is authorized 35 billets.

(Current as of November 2007)


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