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General Quake Info:

Basic Educational Information

Faults, Past Earthquakes & Geology

Access to Earthquake Data

Professional Organizations concerned with Earthquakes

Commercial, Amateur and non-Professional Activities

USGS Factsheets: California and Western US


Basic Educational Information
Material for teachers and students, kids and grownups. Tutorials and other non-technical pages. Definitions of earthquake-related terms. Science fair examples. Bibliographies.

Faults, Past Earthquakes & Geology
Earthquakes in the past, U.S. and global: technical reports, non-technical information, geological photos, damage photos.

Access to Earthquake Data
Links to numerous government agencies and non-government organizations that provide earthquake data. Much of it is available by downloading over the web. Also, printed materials include maps, aerial photographs, digital data, satellite photos and reports.

Professional Organizations concerned with Earthquakes
Links to the websites of these organizations.

Commercial, Amateur and Non-professional Activities
Links to public seismic networks, which invite participation by individuals; links to commercial consultants on earthquake hazards and structural engineering.