Reclaiming the Everglades: South Florida's Natural History, 1884-1934


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Illustration of tree branches
Soldier Key, ca. 1910.
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Reclaiming the Everglades includes a rich diversity of unique or rare materials: personal correspondence, essays, typescripts, reports and memos; photographs, maps and postcards; and publications from individuals and the government. Major topics and issues illustrated include the establishment of the Everglades National Park; the growth of the modern conservation movement and its institutions, including the National Audubon Society; the evolving role of women on the political stage; the treatment of Native Americans; rights of individual citizens or private corporations vs. the public interest; and accountability of government as trustees of public resources, whether for the purposes of development, reclamation, or environmental protection. The materials in this online compilation are drawn from sixteen physical collections housed in the archives and special collections of the University of Miami, Florida International University and the Historical Museum of Southern Florida.

1998 LC/Ameritech Competition Awardee Institutions: University of Miami with Florida International University and the Historical Museum of South Florida


Exploitation and Conservation


Everglades Biographies