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Thank you for your interest in the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff. We try to answer questions as quickly as possible, and although we cannot respond to every comment, we read and note each one. The Department of Defense has prepared more than two hundred answers to frequently asked questions and can be found at http://www.defenselink.mil/faq/comment.html-- and it is the fastest way to get a response.

PLEASE NOTE: If you want to receive a letter/certificate for an Eagle Scout or Girl Scout Gold Medal award to celebrate his/her accomplishment, please send a request letter to:

Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20318-9999

Please include the full name of the scout, Troop number, date of honor ceremony or date acknowledged for passing Eagle Scout/Girl Scout Gold Award requirements and return address. Return postage is not required. In order to expedite your request, please consolidate multiple awardees into ONE (1) troop request. Due to mail handling procedures, allow 4 - 5 weeks for processing.

If your question is not covered by the Department of Defense prepared responses and this is not a request for a letter for an Eagle Scout/Girl Scout Gold Award, or if you want to let us know your views on a subject, please fill out the following form.

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