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David T. King, Jr. -
Country: USA
Date Imaged: 11-18-01
Leonid meteor moving up and away from radiant. Near St. George, Utah. Approx. 03:13 AM MST, 18 Nov 2001. Made with our Sony VHS-c camcorder (enlarged, slowed, and digitized by Media Relations, Auburn University). This was the brightest Leonid captured on our camcorder, which was pointed at the Leo radiant from c. 12:35 to 03:35 AM MST. Note that object appears to rotate or wobble and is trailing smoke. Actual time of illuminated flight was 0.5 sec. Video by D.T. King, Jr. and Lucille Petruny.

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Points of Contact:
Responsible NASA Official: Sharron Sample
Curator: George Varros