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Vilas M. Deshpande More images - [592]
Country: INDIA
Date Imaged: 11-18-01
Thousands of shooting stars provided a dazzling light show on Monday that amazed us. We saw about 1,650 colourfully meteor from 00:30Hrs IST to 05:30HrsHrs IST (Indian Standard Time) 19.00hrs To 0.00hrs U.T. Also between 03:29hrs.IST to 03:33hrs. IST (21.59hrs To 22.03hrs U.T ) we saw about 50 meteors which were amazing. I shot the photograph of Meteor with my Zenith camera. Camera: Zenith SLR. Film: Kodak 400max. Exposure: 5 Mins. Camera lens: 50mm Aperture: f 2 Field Area: Near Canis Major.constellation of Puppis Place: Tamhini, Pune, India (60 Kms. from Pune). Photographed by: Mr. Vilas M. Deshpande (Member of Jotirvidya Parisanstha, Pune) (Maharashtra, India)

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Points of Contact:
Responsible NASA Official: Sharron Sample
Curator: George Varros