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  Navigation Economic Technologies Program



This bookshelf contains the NETS body of knowledge in the form of final reports, models, and policy guidance. Documents will be posted as they become available.


Activity Product Downloads
Columbia-Snake Transportation Demands 
Fact Sheet | Team
Columbia/Snake River Transportation Study    Report by Ken Casavant and Eric Jessup, May 2005
OpenDownload ( 854 KB, Report)  
Columbia-Snake Transportation Demands 
Fact Sheet | Team
Econometric Analysis of State-Preference Experiments Constructed from Revealed-Preference Choices    Paper by Kenneth Train and Wesley Wilson, Dec 7,2005
OpenDownload ( 1.24 MB, Paper)  
Columbia-Snake Transportation Demands 
Fact Sheet | Team
Spatial Demand Decisions in the Pacific Northwest: Mode Choices and Market Areas     Paper by Kenneth Train and Wesley W. Wilson, Nov 14,2005
OpenDownload ( 74 KB, Paper)  
Columbia-Snake Transportation Demands 
Fact Sheet | Team
Transportation Demands in the Columbia-Snake River Basin     Report by Kenneth Train and Wesley W. Wilson, March 2006
OpenDownload ( 699 KB, Report)  
Columbia-Snake Transportation Demands 
Fact Sheet | Team
Understanding Grain Movements for Demand Estimation:    Paper by Eric Jessup and Ken Casavant, July 24, 2004
OpenDownload ( 386 KB, Paper)  
Congestion and Spatial Equilibrium Models 
Fact Sheet | Team
Market Power in Transportation: Spatial Equilibrium and Welfare under Bertrand Competition    Paper by Simon P. Anderson and Wesley W. Wilson, December 2005
OpenDownload ( 569 KB, Paper)  
Congestion and Spatial Equilibrium Models 
Fact Sheet | Team
Market Power in Transportation: Spatial Equilibrium and Welfare under Cournot Competition    Paper by Simon Anderson and Wesley Wilson, September 2005
OpenDownload ( 628 KB, Paper)  
Congestion and Spatial Equilibrium Models 
Fact Sheet | Team
Spatial Modeling in Transportation: Congestion and Mode Choice    Paper by Simon Anderson and Wesley Wilson, November 2004
OpenDownload ( 1.33 MB, Paper)  
Determining System Capacity to Accommodate Grain Flows by Rail to the Mississippi River at St. Louis 
Fact Sheet | Team
Determining System Capacity to Accommodate Grain Flows By Rail to the Mississippi River at St. Louis    Report by The Louis Berger Group, Inc., Nov 1, 2005
OpenDownload ( 661 KB, Report)  
Discrete Event Simulation Model of a Congested Segment of the Upper Mississippi River Inland Navigation System 
Fact Sheet | Team
A Discrete Event Simulation Model of a Congested Segment of the Upper Mississippi River Inland Navigation System    Report by Donald Sweeney, November 2004
OpenDownload ( 1.4 MB, Report)  
Event Study - Greenup 
Fact Sheet | Team
Shipper and Carrier Response to the September-October 2003 Greenup Main Lock Closure    Report by Planning Center of Expertise for Inland Navigation, February 2005
OpenDownload ( 1.07 MB, Report)  
Event Study - Hannibal Locks Closure 
Fact Sheet | Team
Hannibal Lock and Dam: Causes and Consequences of Lock Closures 21 October to 16 November 2005    Report by Planning Center of Expertise for Inland Navigation, May 1,2006
OpenDownload ( 1.5 MB, Report)  
Event Study - Lock 27 Closures 
Fact Sheet | Team
Shipper and Carrier Response to the July - August 2004 Lock 27 Closure     Report by Planning Center of Expertise for Inland Navigation, Oct 17,2006
OpenDownload ( 521 KB, Report)  
Event Study - Lock 27 Closures 
Fact Sheet | Team
Shipper and Carrier Response to the October - December 2005 and January - February 2006 Lock 27 Closures     Report by Planning Center of Expertise for Inland Navigation, Oct 17,2006
OpenDownload ( 720 KB, Report)  
Event Study - McAlpine 
Fact Sheet | Team
Event Study of the August 2004 McAlpine Lock Closure    Report by The Planning Center of Expertise for Inland Navigation, September 2005
OpenDownload ( 3.18 MB, Report)  
Event Study - McAlpine 
Fact Sheet | Team
McAlpine Lock Closure in August 2004: Shipper and Carrier Response-Results of Surveys    Report by Planning Center of Expertise for Inland Navigation, Sep 2005
OpenDownload ( 517 KB, Report)  
Forecasting River Traffic 
Fact Sheet | Team
A Study of Short-Run Grain Movements on the Inland Waterway System (Revised)    Paper by Mark Thoma and Wesley Wilson, July 2004
OpenDownload ( 413 KB, Paper)  
Forecasting River Traffic 
Fact Sheet | Team
Market Adjustments Over Transportation Networks     Report by Mark Thoma and Wesley Wilson, Aug 21,2005
OpenDownload ( 612 KB, Report)  
HarborSym: Simulation Model for Deep Draft Navigation Improvements 
Fact Sheet | Team
2005 DePaepe-Willems Contest Submission: Determining Economic Efficiency in Harbors    Paper by Shana Heisey, July 2005
OpenDownload ( 1.04 MB, Paper)  
HarborSym: Simulation Model for Deep Draft Navigation Improvements 
Fact Sheet | Team
Development of Commodity-Driven Vessel Movements for Economic Analysis of Port Improvements     Paper by Keith Hofseth, Shana Heisey, Richard Males, Cory Rogers, Jul 15,2006
OpenDownload ( 1.1 MB, Paper)  
HarborSym: Simulation Model for Deep Draft Navigation Improvements 
Fact Sheet | Team
HSAM: An Interactive, Immersive, Animation of Deep-Draft Maritime Traffic Simulations    Paper by Cory Rogers, William Woelbeling, Richard Males, Keith Hofseth, and Shana Heisey, October 20, 2005
OpenDownload ( 674 KB, Paper)  
HarborSym: Simulation Model for Deep Draft Navigation Improvements 
Fact Sheet | Team
Harborsym: A Data-Driven Monte Carlo Simulation Model Of Vessel Movement In Harbors    Paper by David Moser, Keith Hofseth, Shana Heisey, Richard Males, Cory Rogers, July 2004
OpenDownload ( 716 KB, Paper)  
HarborSym: Simulation Model for Deep Draft Navigation Improvements 
Fact Sheet | Team
Visualization for Navigation Simulation Models - Why, What, and How     Paper by Keith Hofseth, Shana Heisey, Richard Males, Cory Rogers, Jul 15,2006
OpenDownload ( 580 KB, Paper)  
Inland Navigation Appointment System 
Fact Sheet | Team
Study Results by Ray Mundy, July 29, 2005    Study Results by Ray Mundy, July 29, 2005
OpenDownload ( , Study Results)  
Lock Performance 
Fact Sheet | Team
Vessel, Firm, and Lock Efficiency Measures in Lock Performance    Report by Wesley W. Wilson, Nov 14,2005
OpenDownload ( 447 KB, Report)  
Lock Reliability 
Fact Sheet | Team
System-wide Lock Reliability Analysis Phase 0 – Proof of Concept    Report by The Planning Center of Expertise for Inland Navigation, September 2005
OpenDownload ( 3.26 MB, Report)  
Long-Term Forecasting of Commodity Flows Method with Application to Mississippi River Grains and World Trade 
Fact Sheet | Team
Long-Term Forecasting of World Grain Trade and U.S. Gulf Exports    Paper by William Wilson, Won Koo, Richard Taylor, and Bruce Dahl, November 15, 2004
OpenDownload ( 470 KB, Paper)  
Long-Term Forecasting of Commodity Flows Method with Application to Mississippi River Grains and World Trade 
Fact Sheet | Team
Long-Term Forecasting of World Grain Trade and US Gulf Exports    Paper by William Wilson, Won Koo, Richard Taylor, and Bruce Dahl, July 30, 2004
OpenDownload ( 480 KB, Paper)  
Long-Term Forecasting of Commodity Flows Method with Application to Mississippi River Grains and World Trade 
Fact Sheet | Team
Longer-Term Forecasting of Commodity Flows on the Mississippi River: Application to Grains and World Trade     Report by William W Wilson, Eric DeVuyst, Richard Taylor, Bruce Dahl and Won Koo, Dec 15,2006
OpenDownload ( 3.3 MB, Report)  
Mid-America Grain Study: Upper Mississippi River Implementation 
Fact Sheet | Team
A Summary of Considerations and Recommendations for Incorporating the Results of “Shippers’ Responses to Changes in Transportation Costs and Times: The Mid-America Grain Study” into the Army Corps of Engineers ESSENCE Model    Paper by Dr. Donald Sweeney, Jul 1,2005
OpenDownload ( 130 KB, Paper)  
Mid-America Grain Study: Upper Mississippi River Implementation 
Fact Sheet | Team
Model Implemention within ORNIM    Paper by Drs. Kenneth Train & Wes Wilson, Sep 1,2004
OpenDownload ( 40 KB, Paper)  
Model of Spatial Market Areas and Transportation Demand 
Fact Sheet | Team
A Model of Spatial Market Areas and Transportation Demand    Paper by Kevin Henrickson and Wesley Wilson, January 25, 2005
OpenDownload ( 1.27 MB, Paper)  
Model of Spatial Market Areas and Transportation Demand 
Fact Sheet | Team
Patterns In Geographic Elasticity Estimates of Barge Demand on the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers    Paper by Kevin E. Henrickson and Wesley W. Wilson, Jul 31,2005
OpenDownload ( 668 KB, Paper)  
Model of Spatial Market Areas and Transportation Demand 
Fact Sheet | Team
Spatial Competition, Supply and Transportation Demand: A Study of Elevator Competition and Waterway Demands with Geographically Varying Elasticities and Spatial Autocorrelation    Report by Kevin Henrickson, September 2005
OpenDownload ( 788 KB, Report)  
Modeling Preferences for Upper Mississippi Grain Movements: The Mid-American Grain Study 
Fact Sheet | Team
Monte Carlo Analysis of SP-off-RP Data     Paper by Kenneth Train and Wesley W. Wilson, Nov 1,2007
OpenDownload ( 834 KB, Paper)  
Modeling Preferences for Upper Mississippi Grain Movements: The Mid-American Grain Study 
Fact Sheet | Team
Shippers' Responses to Changes in Transportation Rates and Times: The Mid-American Grain Study    Report by Kenneth Train and Wesley Wilson, November 2004
OpenDownload ( 666 KB, Report)  
Modeling Preferences for Upper Mississippi Grain Movements: The Mid-American Grain Study 
Fact Sheet | Team
Transportation Demand For Agricultural Products in the Upper Mississippi and Illinois River Basin     Report by Kenneth Train and Wesley W. Wilson, May 1,2007
OpenDownload (  1.5 MB, Report)  
Modeling Preferences for Upper Mississippi Grain Movements: The Mid-American Grain Study 
Fact Sheet | Team
Transportation Demand for Grain Shipments: A Revealed and Stated Preference Approach    Paper by Kenneth Train and Wesley Wilson, November 9, 2004
OpenDownload ( 409 KB, Paper)  
Modeling Preferences for Upper Mississippi Grain Movements: The Mid-American Grain Study 
Fact Sheet | Team
Upper Mississippi and Illinois Transportation Demands for Non-Agricultural Products Upper Mississippi and Illinois Transportation Demands for Non-Agricultural Products    Report by Kenneth Train and Wesley W. Wilson, May 1,2007 (revised)
OpenDownload (  2.7 MB, Report)  
Navigation System Simulation Model 
Fact Sheet | Team
Genetic Algorithms for Selecting and Scheduling Waterway Projects     Report by Shiaaulir Wang and Paul Schonfeld, Nov 7,2006
OpenDownload ( 596 KB, Report)  
Navigation System Simulation Model 
Fact Sheet | Team
Navigation System Simulation (NaSS) Design Document     Report by Dr. Richard Males, Jul 12,2006
OpenDownload ( 787 KB, Report)  
Port Development, Internal Transport Systems and International Trade 
Fact Sheet | Team
New Measures of Port Efficiency Using International Trade Data     Report by Bruce Blonigen and Wesley Wilson, Feb 2006
OpenDownload ( 491 KB, Report)  
Port Development, Internal Transport Systems and International Trade 
Fact Sheet | Team
Port Efficiency and Trade Flows     Report by Bruce A. Blonigen and Wesley W. Wilson, Nov 20,2006
OpenDownload ( 474 KB, Report)  
Recent Trends in Output, Industrial Organization, and the Willingness to Pay in the US Inland Waterway Commercial Transportation Industry 
Fact Sheet | Team
Recent Trends in Output, Industrial Organization, and the Willingness to Pay in the United States Inland Waterborne Commercial Transportation Industry    Report by Donald Sweeney, July 2003
OpenDownload ( 1.85 MB, Report)  
Revealed Choice Estimate of the Demand for Barges on the Mississippi River 
Fact Sheet | Team
Estimation of Demands at the Pool Level    Report by Kenneth Boyer and Wesley Wilson, March 14, 2005
OpenDownload ( 1.25 MB, Report)  
Revealed Choice Estimate of the Demand for Barges on the Mississippi River 
Fact Sheet | Team
Seasonality and Geographic Trends for Grain Shipment on the Upper Mississippi Waterway    Paper by Kenneth Boyer and Wesley Wilson, July 27, 2004
OpenDownload ( 467 KB, Paper)  
Towboat Operating Area Analysis 
Fact Sheet | Team
Analysis of Towboat Operating Areas    Report by Min Wook Kang, Paul Schonfeld, Mar 16,2006
OpenDownload ( 1.00 MB, Report)  
Towboat Operating Area Analysis 
Fact Sheet | Team
Analysis of Towboat Operating Areas: Addendum Presenting Findings from Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center Data    Report by Mark Lisney, Oct 17,2006
OpenDownload ( 463 KB, Report)  
Tradable Permits 
Fact Sheet | Team
Tradeable Permit Markets for Locks on Inland Waterways    Report by Charles Plott and Joseph Cook, Oct 24,2005
OpenDownload ( 614 KB, Report)  
Transportation Market Equilibrium: A Theoretical Approach 
Fact Sheet | Team
Transportation Market Equilibrium: A Theoretical Approach    Paper by Simon Anderson and Wesley Wilson, September 2005
OpenDownload ( 554 KB, Paper)  
  A Survey of the Freight Transportation Demand Literature and a Comparison of Elasticity Estimates  Report by Chris Clark, Helen Tammela Naughton, Bruce Proulx, and Paul Thoma,
OpenDownload ( 516 KB, Report)  
  The Navigation Economics Technology Research Program  Paper by Keith Hofseth, July 15, 2006
OpenDownload ( 375 KB, Paper)  


Reviewed 20 Oct 2008