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U.S. Waterway Data Title
Principal Ports of the United States

File Description:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Principal Ports file for 2006
(PPORTS06.txt, PPORTS06.xls)

Data Dictionary

File Directory:

comma delimited (.txt)
excel format (.xls)

The Principal Port file contains USACE port codes, geographic
locations(longitude, latitude), names, and commodity tonnage
summaries (total tons, domestic, foreign, imports and exports)
for Principal USACE Ports.



Source of Data
Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center, New Orleans, LA.

Sponsoring Organization
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Navigation Data Center, Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center, New Orleans, LA.

Time Span of Data Source: 2006
Update Frequency: Annual
Data quality/accuracy: Excellent
File Size: 150 records; pports06.txt -12,117 bytes; pports06.xls -33,280 bytes
File Format: ASCII Comma Delimited and dBase
Maximum Characters per Record: 96
Media: CD, disk, tape, hardcopy
Contact for Additional Information:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center
PO BOX 61280
New Orleans, LA 70161-1280
Point of Contact:
WCSC (504) 862-1426 or (504) 862-1404

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