Photo collage including Corps Red Castle Logo and Corps Volunteers at work with the following text in green: VOLUNTEER TO HELP EACH OTHER


As a volunteer you can gain valuable skills while working to enhance the water, land, and recreational resources that are a trademark of the Pacific Northwest.

Within the Walla Walla District, there are hundreds of projects requiring constant attention. We can use your help. The Walla Walla District is responsible for managing 170,000 acres of water and land in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. These areas are along the lower Snake River, middle Columbia River, the North Fork and mainstem of the Clearwater River, and the Boise River.


Photo Collage of Corps Volunteers at work


There are as many different kinds of opportunities available in the Walla Walla District as there are skill levels of our volunteers. If you want to volunteer your time and effort, we want to find a way to best use your skills and enthusiasm. Examples of volunteer opportunities include: park host, computer/clerical work, trail maintenance, tree planting, erosion control, and shoreline maintenance. 
Photo Collage of Corps Volunteers at work


All volunteers serve without pay, although some things may be reimbursable. Work hours will vary as much as the kinds of projects you may take on.

To get started, contact the Walla Walla District and submit a resume. Interviews are conducted as volunteer opportunities are available.

Photo Collage of Corps Volunteers at work


Anyone. We encourage individuals of all ages, abilities, and experience levels to contribute to the volunteer effort. Applicants under the age of 18 must have the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Volunteering is an excellent opportunity for students to earn college credits. It is also a great way for groups to work on community service projects.

For general information and areas that may be available for volunteer opportunities:

*Walla Walla District (CENWW)

*Lucky Peak Lake

*Dworshak Reservoir

*Lower Granite Lake

*Lake Bryan

*Lake West

*Lake Sacajawea

*Lake Wallula

*Bennington Lake

Volunteer Positions
 in the Walla Walla District

Last updated – 4/21/03

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 
Across the Nation

(800) VOL-TEER or (800) 865-8337