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Welcome to the Advanced Degree Program in Integrated Water Resources Management
Advanced Degree Program in Integrated Water Resources Management
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Distance Learning


Although there is no real substitute for the on-campus experience, it is often an impractical option for interested students who have work and family commitments to juggle. Relocation and full class loads are simply not possible in all cases; therefore, distance learning can become a viable substitute.

The U.S. Distance Learning Association defines distance learning as "the acquisition of knowledge and skills through mediated information and instruction, encompassing all technologies and other forms of learning at a distance."

The steady evolution of various forms of information technologies, combined with increased academic commitments, now makes it possible for a university-level type of education to be achieved. Students can work from their home and/or office by exploiting a wide range of both static and dynamic information technologies.



Revised 3 Jan 2008

Depending upon how any given university approaches it, students can now engage remotely through any combination of streaming audio and video, live web broadcasts, information portals, hyperlinked web pages, bulletin boards, chat rooms, video conferencing and discussion threads.

Starting in Academic Year 2005-06 students will be able to start to pursue an all-distance-learning option through the Advanced Program in Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management at the University of Florida, the Johns Hopkins University and Harvard University. The other participating universities offer a mix of part-time, on-line, transfer and independent study options.

Students interested in applying to this program should first check with their university of choice in order to design a degree path that works best for them.