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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Education Center

Water Resources Management

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After a storm or a rainy season, dams and reservoirs hold excess water upstream and release the water gradually to prevent or reduce downstream flooding. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has a long history as builders and caretakers of these dams and reservoirs. Dams and reservoirs also help manage water resources for recreational activities such as boating, swimming, and fishing as well as supply water to farms, communities, and wildlife. Many people get electricity for their homes and businesses from hydroelectric power dams managed by the Corps. Floodwalls, levees, and diversion channels are also used to keep storm water out of homes, schools, and businesses near waterways. The Corps also helps reduce flood damage by preventing additional construction in areas most prone to floods. Along coastlines, the Corps erects barriers, builds breakwaters, and reinforces dunes and beaches.


Established: April 23, 2002
Updated: August 2004
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