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    Bankruptcy Self Service Center

    The information on this page is provided for individuals filing bankruptcy without attorney representation (pro se). This page is in no way intended to advise you of your legal rights or responsibilities under bankruptcy or to inform you on which chapter to file. The clerk's office is prohibited by 28 U.S.C. Section 955 from giving legal advice or assisting with the preparation of forms. Please review each section before completing your paperwork.

    Bankruptcy Basics
    Explains the different bankruptcy chapters and terminology with information regarding debt discharges.


    Pro Se FAQ
    General questions and answers about the bankruptcy process and filing without an attorney.

    General Information Before Filing A Bankruptcy Case
    General information explaining legal advice, privacy rules, course requirements, signatures and meetings.
    Sec 342(b) Notice
    Required notice to debtors describing chapters, counseling services, perjury and bankruptcy papers subject to examination by law enforcement officials.

    Contains links to the necessary forms for filing along with instructions.


    Pro Se Fees
    A list of the fees associated with filing a bankruptcy case.

    Filing Procedures
    A list of requirements for filing documents with the court.
    Chapter 7 Filing Checklist
    A guideline for filing required bankruptcy papers for a chapter 7 case.
    Chapter 7 Fee Waiver Poverty Guide    
    Chapter 13 Filing Checklist
    A guideline for filing required bankruptcy papers for a chapter 13 case.
    Office Locations & Hours
    List of divisional offices within the Western District of Texas and their office hours.
    Credit Counseling
    The List of Credit Counseling Agencies Approved Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 111.
    Financial Management Providers
    The List of Approved Providers of Personal Financial Management Instructional Courses (Debtor Education) Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 111.
    State Median Family Income Figures and IRS Data for Bankruptcy Forms B22A and B22C
    (Statements of Current Monthly Income and calculations)