Office of Engineering & Technical Services

The Office of Engineering and Technical Services provides engineering and technological support to BBG staff and facilities in Washington, D.C. and abroad.

In addition to managing a complex, global network of over 70 transmitting sites delivering high frequency, medium wave (AM), FM, and TV broadcasts, Engineering leases broadcast time at nearly 20 transmitting facilities in over 10 countries.

To meet the needs of its varied broadcast customers, Engineering is responsible for an extensive network of leased satellite and fiber optic circuits and other international telecommunication systems, which includes providing support to a worldwide array of hundreds of satellite receivers and earth stations and a rapidly growing Internet delivery system.


  • Engineering continued to develop the BBG Continuity of Operations (COOP) disaster recovery plans and strategies to safeguard against catastrophic network loss. In April 20, 2007, the COOP facility was accepted for use, and additional technical tests were successfully conducted in July 2007
  • A shortwave transmitter from the Greece transmitting station was reallocated to the Tajikistan transmitting station for incorporation into a project to enhance BBG SW network coverage. The transmitter installation is in the beginning phase and should be operational in 2009. Installation of a medium wave transmitter commenced at the BBG’s Kuwait Transmitting Station to enhance Radio Farda’s broadcast capability also using equipment from Greece.
  • In FY 2007, Radio Sawa began 24/7 broadcasting from three new FM transmitters in Iraq (one of which replaced a leased transmitter), two new leased transmitters in Lebanon, two new transmitters in Palestine, and one new temporary transmitter in Sudan.