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Statement for the Record to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Statement for the Record

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
General Michael V. Hayden
Director, Central Intelligence Agency
(as prepared for delivery)

January 11, 2007


Thank you Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee.

The CIA is at the forefront of our nation's response to many of the challenges the DNI has just presented to the Committee. The men and women of the Central Intelligence Agency are indeed central to our nation's ability to detect, analyze, and warn of the risks and opportunities we face in an increasingly complex and fluid global environment.

Today, I will share with you briefly in open session—and more comprehensively in my classified Statement for the Record—some of the steps CIA is taking to build on our unique strengths and to help assure that the United States is able to meet the security challenges the DNI has described. This Strategic Intent—as I have discussed with the CIA workforce in recent weeks—is our roadmap to becoming a more effective organization in fulfilling our paramount mission: protecting the American people. Its central theme is integration—operating as a team within our Agency and with our Intelligence Community colleagues. We must combine our talents according to what the mission requires.

CIA must have world-class analysts who are experts in their fields and who employ rigorous analytic tradecraft in the assessments they provide policymakers—to include the US Congress. We must have core collectors who are conversant in the languages and cultures of the countries in which they serve and who can collect decisive intelligence against the hardest targets from a variety of platforms. Our support specialists must have the agility and proficiency to facilitate our Agency's work anywhere in the world, often on short notice. And our science and technology officers must always give our operations an edge our adversaries cannot match. The American people expect nothing less from us.


As the National HUMINT manager, CIA is working to build an integrated national HUMINT service and working to enhance relationships with foreign intelligence services while also coordinating the Intelligence Community's relationships with foreign partners.

Our focus remains on collecting information that reveals the plans, intentions and capabilities of our adversaries and provides the basis for decision and action. It is crucial that we develop and deploy innovative ways to penetrate the toughest targets. From the perspective of CIA's collection, globalization is—as the DNI has stated—the defining characteristic of our age, requiring us to find new ways to collect key intelligence on the terrorist threat, emerging WMD proliferation, and volatile regional conflicts.


Waging a global, high-stakes war against al-Qa'ida and other terrorists that threaten the United States remains a fundamental part of CIA's mission. We work on our own, with other US Government agencies, and with foreign liaison partners to target terrorist leaders and cells, disrupt their plots, sever their financial and logistical links, and roil their safehavens.

  • CIA's war on terror is coordinated and run from our Counterterrorism Center, or CTC, and carried out for the most part from our stations and bases overseas. CTC has both operational and analytic components, and the fusion of these two is key to success. CTC, moreover, works closely with the National Counterterrorism Center to assure protection of the homeland.

CIA's collection on terrorist targets—particularly human intelligence—has been steadily improving in both quantity and quality since 9/11.

  • Access to information is a primary factor in an informant's value to us, and penetrating secretive terrorist organizations is among our greatest challenges.

  • We have made significant strides in this regard—though I am extremely concerned about the damage done by rampant leaks in recent years. Besides setting back our efforts, leaks can and have led to grave consequences for our assets.

Terrorist plots and groups are not broken by single reports or sources, and no detainee knows everything about the compartmented activities of a group. Painstaking, all-source analysis is crucial to supporting and driving operations. The work of CTC has been crucial to identifying and targeting terrorists, vetting assets, and supporting overseas work.


CIA also dedicates significant resources to countering the threat posed by Weapons of Mass Destruction and associated delivery systems.

  • We focus on North Korea and Iran, two states with WMD programs that threaten regional balances, US interests, and international arms control mechanisms like the Nonproliferation Treaty.

  • We focus on the WMD and missile programs of Russia and China, which are large enough to threaten US survival if their political leaderships decided to reverse themselves and assume a hostile stance.

  • We watch also for signs that other states or non-state actors may be taking early steps toward acquiring nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons.

  • We also are trying to watch emerging technologies for any that might turn into the WMD of tomorrow.

Iraq and Afghanistan

In both Iraq and Afghanistan, we are working to gather critical information on terrorism, insurgency, stabilization, nation building, security issues, foreign relations, and infrastructure on both the strategic and tactical levels. A priority for our efforts is the collection of force protection intelligence to support the war fighting and counterterrorism activities of US and partner forces.

In Iraq, the insurgency, sectarian violence and the role of external actors acting against Coalition goals—such as Iran and Syria —remain key features of the unstable security situation and a major focus of our collection. In Afghanistan we are working to counter al-Qa'ida, Taliban, and other anti-coalition militants who threaten the stability of the Afghan state. We work closely with our military to enhance this collection in order to provide focused, significant intelligence to the policymaker.

  • We maintain a very close relationship with the U.S. military on many levels, providing liaison officers dedicated to senior U.S. commanders as well as operating several working-level fusion cells to ensure all actionable intelligence is available immediately.

Open Source

To meet the challenge of global intelligence coverage that the DNI has outlined, the CIA is also playing a leading role in exploiting rapidly expanding open source information. As the executive agent for the DNI Open Source Center, CIA has elevated both the organizational status and visibility of the open source discipline, recognizing its unique and growing contributions to integrated collection and analysis within CIA and the Intelligence Community at large.

  • The OSC collects from and analyzes a host of publicly available sources worldwide to alert against threats made against the United States and its citizens and to deliver the most reliable information possible to inform policymakers, warfighters, and all-source analysts throughout the government.


Mr. Chairman, the ongoing successes of these collection and other efforts by the men and women of the CIA are also a foundation for our equally important analytic mission. Producing timely analysis that provides insight, warning and opportunity to the President and other decisionmakers is the foundation of CIA's analytic effort. As the DNI has made clear in his remarks today, we operate in an unstable and dangerous world where international terrorism, the rise of new powers, and the accelerating pace of economic and technological change are placing strains on the ability of states to govern and increasing the potential for strategic surprises.

  • Our adversaries in the long war on terrorism are dispersed across the globe; they are resilient, ruthless, patient and committed to the mass murder of our citizens.

  • The possession and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction threatens international stability and the safety of our homeland.

  • The rise of China and India and the emergence of new economic “centers” will transform the geopolitical and economic landscape.

  • Weak governments, lagging economies, and competition for energy resources will create crises in many regions.

The complexity and interdependence of these issues demands nothing less than the very best analysis. To achieve this we are pursuing a number of initiatives to continue to enhance analytic tradecraft, strengthen strategic analysis, and expand our analytic outreach.

We are making major investments in our analytic training. A 16-week course for all incoming analysts—the Career Analyst Program—has a dozen modules built around the analytic thinking process, including sessions on assumptions, framing questions, analytic tools, alternative analysis, and weighing information.

  • The Sherman Kent School 's 22-week Advanced Analyst Program is designed to meet the tradecraft needs of experienced analysts. Required courses focus on critical thinking, writing, briefing, and collection.

We have also established analytic tradecraft units in the analytic production offices to promote greater and consistent use of structured analytic techniques, including alternative analysis. We are developing a more consistent dialog about research programs with other IC members, with an eye toward some joint products that can draw on the comparative strengths of various IC members.

  • These tradecraft cells, as well as the Red Cell, continue to produce alternative analytic papers designed to challenge conventional wisdom, lay out plausible alternative scenarios, and re-examine working assumptions. They work with analysts and with the Sherman Kent School to help ensure that stretching the analytic spectrum is a routine part of CIA's analytic work.

CIA's analysts also routinely engage academics and outside experts to critique and strengthen our analysis. Analysts organize conferences to address strategic trends, host academics and other expert speakers, and attend conferences and other events sponsored by academic associations and think tanks.

In November, CIA launched an innovative online presentation of its daily intelligence publication—the World Intelligence Review (WIRe). The WIRe online leverages the best of modern web technology to ease access to CIA's intelligence, provides links to related content, and allows users to "tag" items in whatever fashion best supports their needs.

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, in closing, I would like to affirm that as we pursue our strategic goals and position ourselves to meet the threats outlined here today, we will remain true to our core values of service, integrity, and excellence. They are the constants that reflect the best of our Agency's unique history and accomplishments. These are the values that have served us well and will continue to guide us.

Thank you.

Historical Document
Posted: Apr 03, 2007 09:02 PM
Last Updated: Jun 20, 2008 08:50 AM
Last Reviewed: Apr 03, 2007 09:02 PM